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After taking care of the situation at Shuigang which was cause by the devious General Serpentine one of Lord Brevon's top henchmen from the invasion three years ago as Izuku and Carol easily dealt with him and Syntax sending him sky high in the mountains. After the mission was over Prince Dail thanked them both for aiding the kingdom and stop Serpentine's plans. Soon Izuku returns home back in the city of Redshore.

Izuku:*yawns* What an day this was...

Soon he meets one of his close neighbors from next door who was just leaving her apartment complex.

Merry:*smiles* Oh, hey Izuku.


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This is Merry Bunny *or rabbit idk* Izuku's next door neighbor who is very kind and extremely sweet to the core whom he first met the first time when he moved in the building. He returns an small smile towards her.

Izuku:*smiles* Good afternoon Merry.

Merry's eyes shine at his smiles as she was very happy to see him again after an long day. She's two years older than him and little does he know she's been crushing on the eighteen year old since they've first interacted with each other.

Merry:*shy* So Izuku are you busy at this time?

This brought some confusion for him for an moment before thinking of any plans this time of night.

Izuku: I don't think so. Why what's up?

Merry felt excited until she gave him an paper flyer of an dance club taking place in the city.

Merry:*excited* There's an dance club happening tonight in the city. I was wondering if you want to go?

Izuku looks at the paper after an long day investigating the stolen items that belong to Shuigang helping the young prince and fighting Serpentine earlier that day. He could take an break and have fun for a while.

Izuku:*nods* Sure i would go.

This cause Merry's heart explode knowing that her crush was going to the party.

Merry:*smiles* Okay I'll see you there at 10:00 p.m. bye!!

Merry takes off leaving the confused green haired dog. He takes care of his business before getting ready for the dance club.

*Just imagine what clothes he wears*

Soon he arrives to the dance club getting inside to see many people *or anthros* jamming out with the beats and dancing all around. He was amazed seeing so many people having fun and enjoying their time. Izuku was walking around unaware he's gaining some attention from the female populace seeing him as attractive dog anthro with his green eyes shine.

Cat girl:*awe* Who's that dog guy?

Fox girl:*giggle* I don't know but he looks very cute.

Izuku doesn't realize the attention that was on him until he sees Merry waving at him. He goes to her with an smile on his face causing some female anthros blushing while staring daggers of jealously at the rabbit girl's direction.

Izuku and Merry spending the whole time talking to each other while the music beats were going on with two anthro girls dancing with glow sticks in their hands.


Izuku was very impressed by the two girls rhythmic with the beats as they danced while looking at each other.

Merry:*awe* Wow that was pretty cool!!

Izuku nods as he agrees with her while later in the night some guys were messing with the two girls with the glow sticks.

Random Guy:*smirks* Hey there ladies.

This cause Chalcedony and Papillon to shift uncomfortable with these random guys trying to hit on them. Izuku glances at them seeing their discomfort while the anthro dudes kept making creepy moves and comments on them making Izuku act.

Izuku:*serious* I'll be right back Merry.

Merry:*confused* Huh? Where are you going?

Soon Izuku approaches the creepy guys while standing in front of the two girls while they see him for the first time.

Izuku:*serious* Hey, don't you see your making them uncomfortable.

Random guy #2: *laughs* Who is this kid?

The group of guys were laughing as Izuku stands defiantly towards them not wavering while Chalcedony and Papillon were looking at the green haired dog guy.

Random guy #3: Get out of the way kid. We're talking to the ladies scram.

Before the creepy guys could reach for the two girls Izuku grabs the third creepy guy's arm. Soom Merry stands from the table with an worried look on her face for Izuku's well-being.

Izuku:*serious* You aren't going to lay your hands on them.

This cause the three guys to try to fight him as Izuku's quirk danger senses helped him win this easy fight as he stops them flawlessly while the crowds watch him defeat the three creeps making them flee in cowardice easily. Everyone cheers for him while Papillon looks at him with awe in her eyes as Chalcedony was surprised to see someone able to easy facing the three weirdos that were taller than him. Izuku turns back at them with his smiles making their hearts jump.

Izuku:*smiles* You two alright?

Papillon:*blushes* Uhhh...

Chalcedony: W-were fine now thanks to you...

Izuku: That's good to hear. Well you girls have an nice night!!

He waves them goodbye going back to an shocked Merry at the table while the two girls were still looking at him with genuine amazement. With their hearts beating non-stop. *Canon: Both Chalcedony and Papillon are dating but here in this universe their bi.*

Unbeknownst to Izuku he was being observed by an tall goth bunny women with an cross piercing in her ears while observing him.

???: He was right.

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