Floating in the air

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They took off, the wings flapped in the air. They finally reached the skyline and Minko put her foot through it. "Should I??" Minko asked Kirami "yes gurlll" Kirami chuckled. Minko put her other foot into the skyline and went down, Kirami finally did it too, it was like they were both going down a mystery slide, because they were. The slide was twisty and turns with flashing lights and flowery vines, Minko was so amazed and perplexed, so was Kirami but she has motion sickness so she felt a bit sick while going down the twists and turns of the slide. They soon reached the bottom, it was a beautiful mythical world with magicalness everywhere, but it was 11:35 and they should have both been asleep by then, so they took the magical elevator to fly home "COME BACK THE NEXT NIGHT!" a voice from below yelled. It gave the girls motivation to come back the following night and explore the wonders to the mythical creatures and world.

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