Chapter 15

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⚠️TW: mentions of sa⚠️

I lay on the bed. Tears silently rolled down my cheeks and blood dripped down my legs.

My dress hit the floor and the man stepped up to me. His hand reached up to stroke my cheek.

"You are just adorable," he said looking me up and down. His hand traced over my skin "And I. Get to be your first."

I shivered at the memory. I heard the sound of his zipper going up. His hand went to stroke my skin one more time before I head the door closed.

For the first time I noticed the chair next to me. On it lay a set of pajamas they were white with a rose embroidered on the chest. A note rested on top. It read

'If you look to the door on your right there is a bathroom. Shower and put in the pajamas. You will be retrieved shortly.'

I followed the directions and walked over to the bathroom. Inside was a small shower, a sink and a toilet. I stood in the shower and felt the warm water hit my skin.

I grabbed the soap and washed my body, and my hair scrubbing and scrubbing. Then I did it again, and again. I couldn't get the feeling off. I got the blood and the other things. But I couldn't scrape off the feeling.

I got out once I ran out of soap. My skin was red and tingling from the feeling. I looked in the mirror. I looked the same as I had this morning; but it didn't feel like me.

I brushed my hair and pulled on the pajamas. I couldn't go back into the room so I sat on the floor and waited for them to get me.

I heard the knock about 30 minutes later. I opened the door to see an Avox, she was a blonde with soft grey eyes. She seemed safe and warm. Without thinking I hugged her.

Her arms wrapped around me and she stroked my back softly. She didn't go too high or too low. I felt tears drip down my face and she wiped them off.

Eventually I let go and let her lead me out. Again I was lead down halls, this time the car I was brought to was inside a garage. Two guards stood next to the car and one opened the door for me.

I climbed in and saw Finnick. I rushed into her arms. He cradled me gently, he rubbed my back and whispered soothing words into my ears. By the time we reached the train station I had run out of tears.

"You're going home now." He whisper to me, I shuddered deeply. He held my hand and lead me to the train car. It was nearly midnight, but still loyal fans lined the station.

I gave them weak smiles as I stepped onto the train. It was quiet. It wouldn't be that quiet if Harrison was still here. I walked into the main car too see Amos and Brutus whispering between each other, Brutus held a note in his hand.

"I'm back," I say, my voice is weak. It's the first thing I said in a while that wasn't pure gibberish.

"Hey Sunshine, you should head to your room. They're giving us a new escort she'll be here soon." Amos said gently, he stood up but kept a safe distance and didn't make a move to touch me.

I nodded wearily and walked back back to the train car I had stayed in before. I stripped off the horrid rose pajamas and chucked them out the window. I didn't care if anyone saw. I didn't want them.

I went to the drawers and grabbed a baby blue pair. I walked into the bathroom and scrubbed my mouth. That's the only thing they hadn't given me in the bathroom before a tooth brush.

I brushed and flossed and repeated until my gums bled. I was exhausted, I walked out into the room and layer in the bed. With in a minute I was uncomfortable the sheets touching my skin. I couldn't do it.

I pulled open the drawers and searched for a blanket. In a top cupboard I found one. I laid it in the bed to cover the sheets and comforter.

I was able to lay down, my head hitting the pillow. I took deep breath and managed to close my eyes. I tried to sleep, but every time my eyes shut for more than a minute I saw horrible images. Mostly of the people I killed. A lot of Harrison.

After hours of sleeping and waking up I gave up. I began to walk up to the living room of the train. I heard Amos and Brutus whispering, but now a woman had joined them.

"You shouldn't tell her. It's not important anyway." Amos argued "all it will do is upset her."

"She's going to meet him next year. She needs to know." Brutus argued "We can't avoid it. Either we tell her now or he tells her next year."

"He's right," the woman said, she must be my new escort "You read the letter, he's willing to do it. At least it will give her time to prepare to meet him."

I couldn't wait any longer, I pushed open the door and stepped.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked, they looked between each other before Brutus stood and stepped over

"Haymitch Abernathy from 12 in your dad"

A/n: Teehee. Also two posts in like 24 hours yay me. I ate that up

Anyway here's something I thought of from a tt

Effie: I can't believe Ivy is gay
Lorcan: I know I'm so-
Effie: your so lucky Capitol people love the gays. All my tributes are crusty

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