Chapter 4

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I woke up.Not remembering anything that happened last night.
It was all in a haze,but I was naked?!
In Velvets bed?!
And she isn't here?Damn would of been nice to-no stop it! Stop it. Stop it!No!
Oh shit, me and Velvet slept together.
Dream come true I guess,tick that shit off the bucket list.
I can find everything else just not my shirt?
So looks like I'm going down stairs in a bra.Well sports bra.
I put my jeans on and everything else.I look around the room in awe.
It's so her,but it's adorable.
It's white walls with golden paint splashes over them,there's a big King size bed and a vanity the size of a work shop bench.
There's a chair in the corner with some clothes on it,and there a big picture on her wall of,herself above her big ass bed.
I then go down the stairs,and I walk into the kitchen.
There I see something I thought I'd never see.
Velvet cooking?
She's also singing to herself as she goes flawlessly around the kitchen, every movement gracefully done and she sings and twirled from the stove to the counter.
Then she saw me.
"Your up."She says with a blush as she trails over my torso.
"Yup,and your wearing my shirt."
She was wearing it and because I like baggy clothes it went to just above her knees.
Her collar was showing,and there I saw my art work,more like works.
Big red and purple hickeys plastered on her neck and collar.
I still over to her and lean on the counter.
"Good morning princess."I spoke huskily,the morning voice makes me sound as if I smoke a pack of kings everyday.
But by the looks Velvets giving me,she likes it.
"Seems I got you good,huh?"I said slightly lifter her hair out of the way of her neck.
"Yeah and I got you even better,look."She then dragged me to the bathroom mirror.Holy shit,big ass purple hickeys all over my torso.
"Damn."I said eyes wide and surprised as fuck.
"Damn right,"she was cut off with the sound of the fire alarm going off.
"Oh fuck!"She tan from the bathroom into the kitchen,and threw the burning food in the bin.
"Oh my god,I though I could do it,"
"Hey don't stress,but that was hilarious."I said laughing at her,she pouted and smacked my arm.
"FUCK OFF!"She said embarrassed.
Which made me laugh harder.
"As you wish."I turn to leave,but she grabs my belt loops and pulls me back.

(This chapter is really short lkkk,but I have writers block,but if you could request anything that you would want to read please don't hesitate to ask and I'll see what I can do) 🩵

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