Beyond the woods

10 2 2

Takes place in 1979 

Recommended to be 13+ 


12 year old Billy was walking down the winding road of willow Brook Street, where nothing bad ever seemed to happen. 

Billy was a little boy standing at around 5'2. He was short for his age but that didn't stop him from exploring the whispering woods as the people in town called them. He wasn't afraid of the woods like most people as the tale of Anne mcKeel still hunts them to this day. 

In 1946 a girl by the name Anne, was exploring the woods one fateful Sunday afternoon. She was with her sister playing the well known game of hide and seek. She was only 9 at the time. And loved to venture into the great wilderness, but little did she know this would cost her life. Her sister was counting to 30 as Anne was hiding. She chose to hide behind an old rusty well on the north side of town. But than all of a sudden she hears a faint wispier that sends chills down her spine. "Anne..." the voice whispers to her sounding like a faint Melody. She turns to look but...nothing. She looked towards the woods and thought to herself. "I'm old enough to go in the woods by myself" she spoke with a confident pitch. She walked towards the woods with a steady pace but when she stepped foot into the Whispering woods, she was immediately pulled in by sudden force, being dragged by an unknown creature with sharp claws and long black hair. Poor little, Anne was screaming for her life, but it was too late as she was never seen again that fateful night. 

Alas, after hearing this wretched tale, Billy was not afraid of the woods or the creatures that lurks inside. He was curious and ambitious about all the wonderful and scary things the woods could bring to his adventure, he was going into the woods to seek more knowledge of the town's history, and how he could get people to not fear these gorgeous woods. 

As Billy approached the woods, he heard the faint call the same voice as you might recall that Anne heard, as Billy would soon follow in her footsteps. 

Billy was scared, but overall curious and excited of what the words would hold for him. He had never been inside the words as his mother strictly forbid him upon entering them. 

But now he thought he was finally old enough to enter these daring words. He soon took one little step and another after another, until he was 5 feet into the woods. 

At first, he examined the leafs and the pinecones I had fallen on the ground earlier that fall, that have not yet revived into the green leafy trees. But then, all of a sudden, he heard the faint cry and whisper of the voice, the same voice, the voice, that will hunt him forever. 

"Billy..." The voice spoke with a raspy undertone. Billy looked up and stared into the endless woods, looking for the person who held the voice, but with no avail, he did not see anything besides the mist that covered the haunting woods. Soon he got bored as he ventured farther into the woods with no sign of anything interesting. He never thought that's the woods could be so boring, but then he saw it a light. It was shining so bright he could barely see in front of him. His eyes sparkled with excitement and ambitiousness. He started to run towards the light as he heard the voice again "Billy..." It cried. this time, even louder than before. As he soon approached the light. But to his disappointment the light was gone with no trace of the village he was lost. Billy looked back to the way he came into the woods, but it looked as if there was no end, or no beginning. He was starting to panic. 

His mother had always told him, "Be brave my little Billy" but this time he was scared with no way out, and no light it was starting to darken. He remembered his mother's words, and what she had told him, and decided to use them to calm him self down. But then, all of a sudden he saw a pair of glowing red eyes. He felt them burning a hole into his face as he stared right at them. He was terrified, and started to scream with freight and worry that nobody would hear him. The creature started to walk towards him. 

But this creature was different than most monsters in stories, as they were hairy, had horns, big feet, and usually made scary, growling noises. This one was quite a freight, as it displayed scratching noises, As well as a silent cries, with a pair of glowing red eyes. The creature was about 7'2 and seemed to have long black hair that went over its face almost covering its entire body. It had long claws at least 6 inches long, with braille and fragile ash skin.The creature was wearing a white now ash brown, color dress that look to have 2 inch straps with long arm holes that sag down to the waist as a dress only went 1 inch past the creatures knees. They had a long narrow nose with a long forehead. And the creature was skinny and seemed to not have eaten anything in years. 

Billy was staring at the creature with intense fear. Waiting for it to strike. He held on to his favorite magnifying glass. But the creature just sat there, not moving, 1 inch whispering in his name "Billy..." The creature started to walk forward while silently, screaming his name. Than all of a sudden, The creature started to scream, his name, louder, and louder as it was echoing through the forest. "Billy" the creature spoke "Billy!"... "BILLY!!!" It screamed, as it suddenly got down on all fours and started to crawl towards him at a rapid speed. "AHHHHH" Billy screamed as the creature attacked him at an impeccable, speed. The creature started to claw at him, and then dragged him down to the edge of the Forest Cliff, as it was practically running. Billy now screaming for help, but with no avail, nobody answered. He was terrified as his life was now going to end. As they made it to the edge of the cliff, the creature turned to look at him with those glowing, wretched, haunting, red eyes. The creature than abruptly threw him off the cliff as he fell down to his death. 

As he looked back up, he saw the creatures dark and frightening smile that held his razor Sharp teeth. And this was the day that Billy died. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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