Chapter 1

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Kaoka never really let herself get drunk like this to the point where she doesn't realise what she is doing, but tonight, tonight was different. She saw him after all this time laughing with his friends, and having the time of his life, but what really caught her eyes was a blonde girl cuddled up next to him, she couldn't believe that he had already moved on so quick, but here she was still dwelling about the break up almost a year ago. When they had locked eyes, kaoka couldn't get her self to look away from his big brown eyes. All the emotions came flooding back to her, but for some reason she still felt love when she saw his face. At this point she mentally slapped herself for letting Perrie and saff persuade her to come out tonight, both girls knowing damn well that their boyfriend's are literally her ex's teammates.

The break up was very big, Trent was everything to her and all she had known, he was her first in everything so seeing someone she loved so much just throw everything they had build together really broke her.

"So thats it your gonna end it just like that" Kaoka shouted at the boy while standing in the middle of  his room, her eyes filled with tears and slowly making their way down her cheeks

"I have no other choice k, I have to focus on my future your just distracting me" Trent shouted instantly regretting it as soon as he said it

Kaoka stood there shocked and mad as she heard what had came out of her boyfriend's mouth. "Fine if it's like that then I never wanna see you again, not now not ever and not in your so called FUTURE" Kaoka shouted at the boy as she collected her things around the boys room

"K that's not what i meant" Trent said softly back to her his voice filled with regret as he grabbed on to the girls hands. "Trent please just let me go, it's obvious what you meant" Kaoka said as she closed her eyes and let the tears flow down her cheek

At this point the door flew open to reveal Marcel and Tyler standing there confused as the girl their whole family adored and was grateful for as she made Trent the happiest person in the world was standing there eyes filled with tears. Kaoka quickly wiped her tears before walking passed the two boys and made her way downstairs and out of the house in to her car and drove off.

End of flashback

She finally decided to look away and find a way to get out of the club without the two girls noticing she was sneaking away. As Kaoka stumbled her way to the exit she felt someone grab her hand, when she turned to see who it was, she was met with the one person she said she never wanted to see again.

"K I didn't know you were in town" he said to her as she just looked down to where his hands grabbed hers. Once Trent had realised he was still holding her hand he quickly let go and rubbed the back of his neck looking at her awkwardly.

Kaoka quickly snapped out of her day dream "ah yeah I moved back recently" she said shyly as she looked everywhere but his eyes. In that moment the same girl that was cuddled next to him made her way next to Trent

"Trent baby come back" she said completely ignoring Kaoka's presence. "Yeah Trent, maybe you should go back I was just heading out anyway" Kaoka said as she looked at Trent and back at the blonde girl next to him giving her a friendly smile although it was killing her inside.

The girl just gave Kaoka a tight lip smile while reaching her hand out to shake her hand "I'm Hannah Trent's girlfriend" those words coming out of her mouth felt like stabs into her heart

"ohh I'm Kaoka——— Kaoka paused she didn't know how to introduce herself, she didn't wanna intoduce herself as Trent's ex because she didn't want the girl to get the wrong idea of her boyfriend talking to his ex girlfriend in a night club because she was a girls girl after all. "She's just an old friend of mine, right?" Trent finished the sentence for her all though they weren't anything hearing him say that that she was on old friend broke her heart all over again. Kaoka agreed with the boy "right just an old friend" she said as she gave a tight lipped smile to her.

"Well I better get going, it was nice meeting you Hannah" she said as she rushed out of the club and hopped into the taxi making her way home.

Kaoka - 🐄🚘 (this is just how you pronounce the name)
Saff - saffie 🫶🏽
Perrie - Pez🤎

Heyyyy girlies, just letting yall no I left the club, and yes Pez I did leave alone

Okay girlie text us back when you get home, we all leaving soon aswell xx

K, OMG I'm rooting for your healing girl era to be over, your no fun 😞👎🏻

Ahhh Pez, just wait till I tell you what happened tonight 🤯🫢, but that shall wait till tomorrow's coffee date xx gn my loves

Ahhh can't wait I'm actually very curious now, by the way Curtis said he is curious aswell he dosent know how to read his own messages apparently

Ahhh omg K you have to tell ME NOW!!

NOPPE!! Trust me it's gonna be worth the wait🫣
Hearted by Pez🤎, saffie🫶🏽

Kaoka switched off her phone when she realised that they had reached the front of her apartment building

Yay chapter one is out 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

Hope you like the begging of this book xx can't wait to write more for you guys

Anyways love you guys and remember delulu is the solulu 😘🫶🏽

Ahhhh i hope you all liked the story so far

I know damm well we all saw Trent's scrumptious ass on live tv, but hey I ain't complaining, I swear I was on TikTok and this account commented on the video say that Trent put the "ass" in "assist" and I actually couldn't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣, surely it was a bet with one of the boys 😫🤣🤣🤣

Anyways love you!!!♥️

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