Chapter 8

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"So your telling me he took you home, looked after you, and you don't feel anything" Perrie said as her saff, noa were sat on Kaoka's couch "it's not that I don't feel anything, like don't get me wrong I love that boy to bits but I don't know it feels like his hiding something and that's what's making it so hard for me to forgive him, I just want him to tell me the whole truth" Kaoka said as he leaned further into the couch, the three girls nodded their head as they looked at the girl understanding were she was coming form

"Why do you feel like his hiding something" noa raised her eyebrows giving Kaoka a confused look, "ahhh I don't know honestly, I feel like their was more to the break up then him needing to focus, because if I was distracting him he would have told me long ago when he debuted into the senior team, but I feel like I'm reading into it to much" Kaoka said as she looked at the three girls "plus the year we spent away from eachother and seeing him prosper to what he is now made me feel like I was holding him back from all that potential" Kaoka pouted at her friends.

The girls talked about anything and everything until they realised it was getting late.

"I better head back now Alex is picking up axel from daycare, and I gotta go be a mum" Perrie said as she got up from the couch

"yeah me and noa gotta head out aswell, Curtis and I are headed to dinner with Cody and noa" saffie said as she also hopped up from the couch followed by noa. "Ah must be nice to be a WAG Kaoka said as she smiled at the girls

"Yeah could've been you aswell but you know, you're just not ready" Perrie said adding quotation marks with her fingers on that part

"Ha Ha very funny" Kaoka said as she threw a pillow at her. The girls laughed as Kaoka got up to walk them out.

It was a rainy night in Liverpool and Kaoka couldn't sleep she didn't know if it was because a particular boy was on her mind or because the rain made her uneasy. so she decided to go make her self a cup of tea. So there she was sat in her dinning room drinking a cup of tea as she watched the rain drops flow down the window. She got up when she noticed someone walking into her gate, then she froze why was he here it's almost midnight, Kaoka ran out without thinking to grab an umbrella or anything.

"Are you crazy what are you doing here it's pouring" Kaoka said as she put the code in for her gate, he just stood there and watched her.

She let him in and walked towards the house expecting him to follow after her, but to her surprise he grabbed her hand and stopped her dead in her tracks.

"K, I can't get you off my mind, I know it's super late and I didn't know if you would be awake but then I remembered that rain makes you uneasy and knew you would be awake and I know you said you needed time but I need you, I can't not want you k" he said looking down at her, his eyes filled with sorrow and sadness

This was it for Kaoka she couldn't leave this boy again not like this, it broke her heart to see him like this even though he hurt her, she just loved him to much.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug then pulling his head slightly down so he was now inches away from her lips, this was it what she wanted for so long, she smashed her lips on to his as they moved closer closing the gap in between each other, they pulled away catching their breathes then leaning their foreheads against eachother as they both smiled widely.

The pair made their way into the house and got cleaned up and in some dry clothes, lucky for Trent she still had the clothes he had given her that night. It was still raining and even though Kaoka was uneasy about the rain she for some reason felt safe and at ease in Trent's arms. She slowly felt her eyes drifting to sleep as Trent played with her hair, slowly Trent's eyes also drifted off to sleep as he finally had the one person he needed back in his arms

Kaoka woke up to an empty bed, she pouted as she realised the person that she was once tangled with was no longer with her. She smiled as she read the note he left for her near her phone

Morning beautiful, had training today so left early, meet me at the cafe near your house at 4pm

She smiled got wider as she realised he had crossed out and scribbled over the words love you

She looked at her phone to see that the time was now 2:30, she didn't relise she had slept for so long but it was the best sleep she had in a whole year.

Kaoka filmed some content for brand deals for her social media as she still needed to her job. By the time she was done it was now 3 and she needed to get ready ASAP or she would be late

It was 4pm and she was making her way out the door to her car as she mentally cursed at her self, she was running late and it was a 10 minute walk.

"T, I'm so sorry I really tried to get here as quick as I could, but you know me and my little legs" she smiled as she sat down on the empty chair across from him

Trent smiled at her as he missed hearing his nickname from her come out of her mouth "that's alright, should have texted me to pick you up, love"

Hearing him say love made Kaokas knees go weak and her checks turn a light shade of pink, she looked down before he could notice her blushing.

Trent lifted her head up with his pointer fingers "do I still make you blush" he said chuckling at her "shut up" Kaoka said pushing his hand off her face while smiling. The waitress brought them their coffees shortly after, Kaoka's heart was in awe Trent still remembered her coffee order "and the iced matcha extra cream and extra sugar" the waitress said making Kaoka snap out of her day dream. She looked at Trent smiling at him "you still remember"

"Never forgot" Trent said smiling widely at the girl. There was a moment of silence before Trent spoke up

"Kaoka I know I sound like a broken record repeating myself but I truly mean it when I say this , but I really want you back and I will literally do anything to have you back" Trent said looking at Kaoka with most serious face. Kaoka just smiled at him "well I guess what I really want to say is Kaoka will you be my girlfriend" he paused for abit "again" Trent said while tilting his head abit and pouting his lips

Kaoka's stomach felt like it was doing backflips, she loved this boy so much and she knew he was the boy she would marry one day. But Kaoka still felt like he was hiding something from her, but she decided to push those thoughts aside because right know all she wanted was Trent.

Kaoka stood up from her chair, trent followed Kaoka's every move. Kaoka sat on the boys lap and pulled him in to a passionate kiss both longing for eachother, luckily the cafe shop was empty and the waitress that served them before was in the back somewhere, so in that moment it was just the both of them.

Trent broke the kiss and pulled a small little box out of his pocket

"Your not proposing right" Kaoka said raising her eyebrows, while tilting her head

Trent just laughed and said "not yet, it's a promise ring, so one day I will replace this ring with a wedding ring"

"Aww Trent, you even engraved our initials"Kaoka said feeling the tears fill her eyes, she let him put the ring on her finger before wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you k" trent said as he wrapped his arms around her waits "I love to to k"

Finally they are back together
I've been wanting to let them back together I also have a drama chapter brewing guysssssss
It's gonna be so good, yall are gonna be shocked
Anyways love you guys 😘

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