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/     RIVER (?)   . 



Nuri,   —    Act [2].

Footsteps ran across the wooden bridge. "River just stop for a second!"

"And let's just talk, okay?!" The feminine voice called out, her voice ringing throughout the area.

She slowed down her pace and looked over the bridge.

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Ri..ver?"

She grunted to herself. "Ugh, where did he go?!" Her  CRIMSON EYES  peered through the river below.

Her eyes focused as she tried to see if she'd spot the guy she's been hunting down.

Until, everything went black.

River,   —    Act [1].

I stood behind Nuri, Stared at the back of her head before lifting my hand up, facing it flat down.

The side of my hand connected with her neck, quickly.

She fell unconscious.

I watched her fall to the ground.

I dropped my arm to my side. I stared intensely at the girl.

I frowned angrily.

I raised my hand — I didn't have any sort of staff on me yet.

The palm of my hand exchanged a CRYSTAL BLUE color, it was the shape of a circle and had white glowing orbs surrounding it — I extended out to the girl who laid on the ground.

The orb extended, outlining the shape of Nuri's body. Prompting her up slowly into the air, levitating her.

I didn't say a word — instead, I clasped my hands together to get rid of the ORB.

She dropped from the air and began to fall as quickly, I caught her with ease and placed around my shoulders.

The ORB casted a quick spell, making sure she wasn't able to wake up in less than 42 hours — unless I woke her up.

I backed up away from the bridge, my belt and armor clanking as I did so.

I turned around fully so I can make my way — away from the bridge.

I could feel her breathing hit against my neck, it was calm and steady.


NOSTALGIA  ?   -    S2Brakey fic  1) Obsessive!JakeyWhere stories live. Discover now