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Not accustomed to conforming to a schedule (living alone in an underwater cave for most of his existence doesn't lead to having much of a routine), Xanthus wakes up a bit disoriented to the sound of a sharpening wheel. Sleep drags at his eyes and his human flesh body aches from yesterday's fight. Regardless, he leaves his bedroll eager to start the day. There's much to do.

More importantly, he has a mission.

He leaves his tent and stands outside, his eyes trailing around camp. At the very edge of the perimeter, Lae'zel sharpens her sword, the culprit of the screeching sound that woke him up. On the other side, Gale is looking through his bag while Wyll (their tents close together) is picking up his bedroll. Behind Xanthus, Shadowheart is sitting on her knees, her eyes closed (praying maybe?) and her area already clear of any sign of life. Besides Xanthus, Astarion is coating his arrows with poison.

Now, who should he approach first?

Xanthus...wants to make sure they're okay. He doesn't know if talking with them will accomplish that. He knows he appreciates them even though he hasn't known them for long, but who knows if they reciprocate, or if they would accept his intent to comfort? Help? Support? He's not even sure what he should be doing to accomplish any of those things or if trying to do that will be well received.

It would be easier if he could smile. Although for some of them, a smile wouldn't do anything (see: Lae'zel, probably Astarion too), he thinks it would be a viable expression to cheer up Gale or Wyll.

In any case, there's no point in worrying about something he can't change and he won't try smiling. Trying to smile without guidance already proved... counterproductive in the short time he spent in Baldur's Gate.

Xanthus could simply ask if they are okay and move on with whatever answer they give him, just enough talk to show concern and care, but without prying. That could work. If he doesn't let his curiosity get the better of him.

He shakes his head and steels his resolve. They have fought mind flayers, monsters, goblins, and a hag together.

This shouldn't be as hard as it feels.


He approaches Wyll first.

The human called him a friend, so it seems like a safe first option. Friends should be more open about things, right?

Apparently not because when Xanthus lets Wyll know he heard what the witch said and asks the human if he's okay...

"Oh, don't worry about it, my friend. I know those were meaningless taunts," yet the man who usually maintains eye contact averts his eyes as he speaks and occupies his hands with the stuff around his tent.

Not willing to talk then, Xanthus thinks as his eyes follow Wyll's movements. It's not until the man asks him if he needs anything else that he shakes his head and leaves the warlock alone.

Perhaps I was too direct? I should try a different approach next time.


Spirits a bit crushed. He goes to Gale next.

When the man sees him, he motions him closer with a serious expression, more serious than he has ever seen the wizard.

"Ah, Xanthus, there's something I'd like to discuss," he hesitates but continues with a determined shake of his head "I have been observing you. That first day at the Grove. I saw you help that paralyzed woman, save all those children, offer to help the tieflings... You decided to help Mayrina, but you kept our safety and opinions in mind all throughout this self-appointed mission. Not that I would have minded helping if you chose so without asking, but... In short: I have grown to trust you"

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