HMS Admiral was the Prototype of the new famed Admiral-class Battlecruisers. He. Along with Hood. Are the only ships of the class ever built. Anson, Rodney and Howe were scrapped. Admiral would later become the last "First Generation" Kansen to be c...
Time of Service/Service Life:1918-1920 or 2 Years of Service
Class: Admiral-class Battlecruiser
Relatives: Hood-Half Sister
Biography: Admiral was the Prototype of the new famed Admiral-class Battlecruisers of the Royal Navy. The ship would be officially launched in 1918. And in 1919. The ship would undergo a Refit that would gave the ship the appearance it has now. The ship would suffer multiple malfunctions and errors due to the many technologies put into the ship. And in 1920. The ship would be Decommissioned and put into reserve. Later the ship would be scavenged for parts to maintain her sister ship Hood. By 1930. Almost all of his vital components. Only the Main Guns, Turrets, And the 2/4 of the Turbines were still there. It wasn't until 1940 when Admiral would be rediscovered by HMS Valiant.
Design and Description: The Admiral-class battlecruisers were designed in response to the German Mackensen-class battlecruisers, which were reported to be more heavily armed and armoured than the latest British battlecruisers of the Renown and the Courageous classes. The Admirals were significantly larger than their predecessors of the Renown class. As completed, Hood and Admiral had an overall length of 860 feet 7 inches (262.3 m), a maximum beam of 104 feet 2 inches (31.8 m), and a draught of 32 feet (9.8 m) at deep load. This was 66 feet (20.1 m) longer and 14 feet (4.3 m) wider than the older ships. She displaced 42,670 long tons (43,350 t) at load and 46,680 long tons (47,430 t) at deep load, over 13,000 long tons (13,210 t) more than the older ships. The ship had a metacentric height of 4.2 feet (1.3 m) at deep load, which minimised her/him roll and made her a steady gun platform. Admiral however. Was alot heavier and more heavily armed. The ship would be armed with 15 High Velocity 400mm guns in 5 Triple Turrets.
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(Where is the 5th turret you ask?. Well)
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(Credit to "Yuro" on the Video
The Armament for the AA guns and Secondary Guns would be the same. The Armor is vastly different. Due to the advent of sloping. The ship had a 15.5 Inch belt. And since the ships Armor was sloped. It meant that the ships Armor was actually. Effectively 16.5 inches or more. So it has thick Armor. Yes. How bout the famous Achilles heel of this class. The Deck Armor. The deck Armor was 6.5 Inches thick. And the Turret armor was the same. 15 inches thick. The Displacement was above 50.000 thousand tons. Exactly how heavy Admiral is because. One. He was kept a secret by the Admirality and Two. No documents of Admiral exist. Only pictures of the ship. Which. Mind you. We're in very. VERY little amounts.
Yeah. I think that's it for the BIO. For when it will start?. Very soon