38 knots

293 9 9

Hey Guys and welcome back to reading this book.

Dw. This book is not Discontinued. Nor do I plan it to be that way. Unless the future said so. But anyways.

This chapter will be rushed as I have plans so this chapter might not even reach the 1k mark (Maybe but i get carried away. I might right it to Over 1k). This chapter is basically a stopgap and a reminder that this is not going to be Discontinued or abandoned.

Sorry about that in advance.

But I do have plans for this Book. So I just need to finish this chapter before I make the chapter I planned for this Book

Here's a hint.


Anyways. Enjoy the story. And also this story is kind of a time-lapse at least for the second part of the story of Admiral's construction and his record holding speed.


Admiral's POV

Damn my head hurts. Ah bollocks...

I woke up to a severe headache and my body feeling numb. The last thing I remember was me falling towards the floor with Hood running towards me and screaming "Brother!". Probably she was doing that in an effort to save my head from hitting and probably bleeding on the cold rock solid steel floor that was Hood's ship.

I woke. Tried to rolled over to the side. Only for me to stop when I realize I was jn a the top bunk of a Bunk Bed.

I can faintly hear the sounds waves hitting steel. Most likely I'm in a ship. But who's ship in question?

I look around. And saw I was in a bedroom of some sorts. It's still greater then your average typical sailors bunks and rooms. But still no match for the luxury of the Admiral's, captain and officers rooms. But still close enough.

I look around abit more and saw pieces of clothing? Like a pair of heels, black stockings and a hat with a ships superstructure on it.


I then looked under my bunk and was suprise to see Hood. Sleeping peacefully. Those piece of clothing is more definitely hers.

Hmnn. I decided on what to do to repay her for her kindness. Maybe to cook for her?

Yeah. I guess I can do that.

I then. Slowly but surely got out of the bed, open the door and softly closed it. But before that. I left a note on the top bunk reading. "Meet me at the kitchen -Admiral". Then after that I left for the kitchen to cook.

Yes. I am a fleet Admiral but I also know how to cook. Hehe.

(A/N: I decided to make Admiral and QE the leaders of the Royal Navy. But Admiral has a higher rank that QE. QE has the Rank of Admiral while Admiral has the rank of Fleet Admiral. Which is a higher rank that QE. But publicly. QE is the leader. But in the Royal Navy. Both Admiral and QE are the leaders. But Admiral is the leader in wartime)

3 hour's later

After I've done cooking. I place them on the table and waited.

The Admiral of a Bygone EraWhere stories live. Discover now