HMS Admiral was the Prototype of the new famed Admiral-class Battlecruisers. He. Along with Hood. Are the only ships of the class ever built. Anson, Rodney and Howe were scrapped. Admiral would later become the last "First Generation" Kansen to be c...
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(Replace the hair color from that to the hair color of Hood. Credits to the OG Owner)
Rigging: Your rigging is identical to Hood. But with a few things different. Those being the Turrets being Triples instead of Twins. A New Platform for the 5th Turret. And another Platform which houses the Radar Station.
Personality: Cold-hearted Not a very Sociable person Dense 100% Straight Thinks Lowly of himself Kind (To his Allies) Aggressive but in calm demeanor (To his enemies) Always likes to be alone
Likes: Royal Navy Guns His personal weapon (M1 Garand with a Bayonet Attachment.) Triple Turrets (More Firepower?. I like it) His Sister (Hood) Azur Lane Coffee His old partner in the "Royal Rifle Partners" (Ark Royal) Planes
Dislikes: Ironblood Sirens Crimson Axis Swords CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Twin Turrets (Less Firepower?. I dislike it) Tea Monarchy (He thinks it's just overglorified dictatorship. Doesn't show it at all to the public).
Quotes "It is our duty. To defend our gloriousland. We'll fight hard if we have too"
"I may be an old. Miserable piece of shit. But Ican still beatyour ass"
"The More Firepower, The Better. My personal doctrine"