HMS Admiral was the Prototype of the new famed Admiral-class Battlecruisers. He. Along with Hood. Are the only ships of the class ever built. Anson, Rodney and Howe were scrapped. Admiral would later become the last "First Generation" Kansen to be c...
The first. Technically not really. Oh make it what you will
The First Entry of my Second Book. Let's see how well this will do. Anyways. Enjoy ------------------------------------------------------------
???'s POV
My service in the Royal Navy was fairly short. Yes. In that time spanI accumulated alot of fans and experience and even got a rank that's equal to Her Majesty herself. But that all was lost when I was Decommissioned. And put into this fate.
Yes. I'm technically a prototype. So I'm not met to last long. But...
Ugh. Yeah...
I guess I deserve this.
The only thing I've been doing now was clean. Maintain my ship with little parts I have left. Eat, Sleep Etc.
I miss my allies...
I wish they will find me soon...
You know what. I'll do it myself
(I had to okay?. There's no other scene that I can think off that demonstrates how to start a maritime engine like this. Realistically unrealistic. BUT. It's cool AF)
1 hour and 30 mins later
???: Boilers are lit up. The Turbines are set. We are good to go.
Oh. BollocksI haven't introduced myself. I am Admiral. Former flagship of the Royal Navy and a prototype of the Admiral-class Battlecruisers. I haven't met my half-sister. I did see her getting built. But not in a Kansen to Kansen Meeting unfortunately. But now she will meet me. Hehehe~
The doors to the base I was put in long ago was open. And. With a loud groan. My ship sailed again. And for my Homeport of Liverpool or Scapa if anyone sees me. Here I come! ------------------------------------------------------------ A few miles away Valiant's POV
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Alone. Somewhere in the middle of the ocean sat a Heavily Damaged and Cripplied ship. A young woman laying on the deck. Breathing heavily, Bloodied, Her clothes were torn and bruised. She breathed Heavily as her eyes were closed and a thought in her mind