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The knights just returned from a long and tired war in the spade kingdom. All they want is a long hours of sleep or a hot bath or do what they want to do to relax. Surprisingly Nacht is with them too, wanting to spend time to get to know the black bulls. Liebe is sitting on Asta's sholder in his small form, Yuno's mother and the soldiers followed them too. They thought everything is over but the luck wasn't with them today... it isn't with Asta to be exact...

When they were going into the wizard king's office, they were stopped by a group of nobles and the king. At first they thought they did something against the rules then they saw Asta getting his hands cuffed. Asta started struggling from the magic knights' grip as the nobles kept on shouting 'kill him', 'devil', 'murderer' and more which made all the knights are confused.

Nozel saw Nebra and Solid among the nobels and demanded for explanation. The Silva siblings said both Julius and Damnatio suddenly went missing without a trace. The king first found out then he started telling all the knights and the nobles about both of their disappearance, then the king, nobles and the knights who don't like Asta started blaming him about the disappearance. The king ordered everyone to capture Asta once he gets back from spade. The Silva siblings couldn't go against the king since most of the nobles are with him.

The news shocked the knights who came back from Spade kingdom. They tried to explain to clear Asta's name yet their explanation couldn't reach to the corrupted king, nobles and the knights.

Nacht stood infront of the group who just came back and try to persuade the king personally. He puts on his signature smile with irritation behind it before opening his mouth to speak.

"Your majesty, I can assure you that Asta wasn't related with the disappearance of the wizard king and Damnatio Kira. He was with us the whole time, in fact he just save the clover kingdom from danger. If you think because he is devil possessed and caused this, then you should think that i might be the one too. I am also a devil possessed. You are accusing him just because the wizard king and Damnatio went missing!" Nacht tried to say calmly but his anger took over him at the end.

The king looks at him and huff out a 'hmph' then said "You are a noble, came from the Faust family where you all do dark magic, keeping a contract with devils. Good thing is the Faust keeps their contracts and demons at bay. I can't say about him since he is born as a lowly peasant. Also do not help this boy or else i will strip all of your titles and meet the same fate as the boy." then he instructed the group of people behind him to take Asta away.

Asta was looking back at everyone desperately for help, still trying to struggle out of the grip. But all of the knights looked away, not daring to have an eye contact with him. They hope that he will be fine until they can persuade the king and the nobles to change their decision. Little did they know things will get worst from here.

Meanwhile with Asta, when he saw his comrades looked away he felt that he was betrayed by the ones he trusted the most even though they tried to stop the king and the nobles. He was brought to the dungeon in the castle where it is tightly guarded by high ranked personal knights.

He was chained by a chain where it suppress magic and strength. The whole night he kept on hoping that he will be out soon.


The following morning in the black bulls base where most of the members are asleep, a shout woke everyone up. They immediately rushed to where the sound came from and it turns out to be Noelle shouting. She told everyone to look at the newspaper where the first page of the headline shown "The magic knight, Asta will be executed tomorrow due to him being the suspect of the disappearance of both wizard king and Damnatio Kira"

Everyone was shocked, even Nacht. They did not expect the king and nobles used Asta as a scapegoat till that extend. All of them are worried of Asta, they plan to stop the execution but a letter arrived when they are planning. The letter is from the king of clover kingdom who threaten them to not to interrupt the execution or else the people who are related to them will be killed.

They can't afford for unnecessary sacrifices just to save Asta and Asta wouldn't be happy if he knew it. They are in a difficult situation, they can't just sit down and see their precious comrade die or stopping the execution without innocent people dying.

The silence was loud in the hall until Noelle broke down and starts crying. Then everyone starts breaking down too. Everyone wonders what is Asta's situation now, they are just praying that Asta wouldn't hate them and hopes that there is a small chance of the king changing his mind.

In the dungeon, Asta heard the news of his execution. His hope immediately shattered into pieces, he fell into despair, it is not he would do. Yet deep in him hatred started brewing in a quick pace.

His hate for the king, nobles and the knights starts to rise. He realised there is nobody coming for him, he felt betrayed. No matter how much he tries to calm himself down his anger, hatred and despair engulf him. He clenches his fist and his teeth, he couldn't feel any pain from his fist bleeding from clenching his fist too hard.

Liebe found out and tries to calm him and persuade him but it was useless, the words did not reach Asta, he couldn't hear him. Asta was too deep in his negative emotions.

Then his appearance starts to change, he starts to show devilish features. A pair of horns starts to grow on his head and his green eyes starts to turn red and his pupils became slit, his teeth became sharper. The horns penetrated his skull which made him blood, his ash blonde hair is now stained with blood red liquid.

Liebe can't do anything but watch his brother helplessly. He cursed himself to not help his brother earlier, it is too late to help, nothing can turn back now.

The eyes once filled with motivation, hope, happiness, determination is now broken to hatred, anger and despair.

The knights heard sounds came out of the cell and saw Asta in that state which made them wary and panicked. One of the knight immediately rushed to report to the king.

When the king heard the news, he immediately ordered to have the execution now. He thinks to have it immediately before things gets worse and dangerous.

They quickly set up the podium for the execution and brought Asta out to the podium. Asta did not resist when he was brought up to the podium, he just accepted his fate and death.

More and more people gather at the podium to see whats happening. Asta looked around to see if there is anyone he knows, luckily none of them are present, that made him feel a bit relieved.

The executor asked him if there is any last words he wants to say before he gets executed. It took a long time till Asta opened his mouth and said "I will come and seek revenge from every one of you, not as a human but as a devil."

The king showed disgust and signal the executor to bring Asta's death, the executor uses a sword and bring it down on Asta's neck, when Asta's head fell on to the ground. It started raining heavily, lightning flashing endlessly, wind blowing aggressively and thunder roaring fiercely and terrifyingly. Everyone's heart are unsettled, affected by his words before leaving the area.

The king just went back to his beloved castle without a care of what happened just now, he is happy and proud instead.

The black bulls heard the news of Asta's sudden death, they can't comprehend the sudden news and start crying. They couldn't do anything to stop it even though they are the closest to him.

Little did they know that this is not the end, it is just the beginning...


A/N: Bello, I'm back and not back. I had this idea quite some time ago but it was bits and pieces. Also black clover chapter is gonna come out soon so why not (maybe back to black clover era...)

This might be another short chapters story like how i usually have. Cya everyone ;)

For those who knows why i have slow update, hope you understand ya ;D

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