Chapter 1

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When the knights heard the news of Asta's sudden death, most of them were devastated and a few numbers of them are cheering, happy that the devil is gone. But most of them are disturbed from what the civilians said about the last few words that Asta said out before his head got chopped off.

But then the black bulls found it suspicious. Why did he said 'coming back as a devil'? Does it mean he is alive or so? All of them thought in their head and so they decided to find answers, not from normal libraries but in the library in the castle and from the one who works with devils.

Nacht allowed the black bulls to follow him to his abandoned mansion to take the books that had information about devils. Meanwhile, the other third of them was finding books in the castle's library and the last few of them tried to find Asta's companion or 'brother', Liebe.

At the end of the day, they all gathered back at the base. They had good news and bad news. The good news is they found the five leaf grimoire and some information in the books from Faust family's mansion, but then it is barely any information about a half devil. Which only told them what kind of abilities they have, awakening and their personalities.

The rest couldn't find any books about devils and they couldn't find liebe either as if he left this world without a trace. Suddenly, one of the books from the Faust family dropped on the floor, just right a piece of paper fell too.

Nacht picked the paper up and read it, he is totally shocked at what he read, the others noticed it and asked what he found. It turns out to be an information of what will happen to the half devil after they died. Apparently if they live in the overworld (i forgot the word, tell me if it is wrong or correct), they will be resurrected... the rest of the words are all blurred up.

Those gave them a small glimpse of hope, but then they do not know if he is a half devil or not but then right now all they have to do now is to hope that they will find Asta and Liebe again.


The next day,

With Yuno, Mimosa and Klaus, they knew black bulls affected the most, same goes to Yuno. They have decided to visit the bulls.

When the arrived at the base, they heard there are noises in the base and it was like having a party. They all opened the door and saw Magna and Luck chasing each other, Grey having social anxiety, Gauche bring him, a sis complex, as if it is a normal day for them and nothing happened.

When the bulls noticed the golden dawn trio, they waved at them which triggered Klaus.

"Don't you all feel sad! Asta just died and yet you guys act like nothing happened!" Klaus shouted at them. Then Nacht suddenly appearing from the shadows.

"Calm down, we have gotten some information about devils especially half devils. Also Asta wouldn't like so see us being so down" Nacht said calmly

He told all the information he got to the golden dawn trio and his own speculation. That gave the trio hope as well. They don't look so down anymore and a determination look can be seen in their eyes.

Nacht looks at them and smiled as well as the other black bulls members that were listening to them the whole time.

All of them have set their own goals and starting to train themselves stronger. People wouldn't see the black bulls differently and they can be looked up to. On the other hand, Yuno decided to train stronger so he could be the wizard king to fulfill his and Asta's dream.


In a random place where the sky is purple, clouds are purple, the ground has odd colour soil instead of the normal dark brown soil. Creatures with tail, horns and wings roaming around the land either aimlessly, being targeted or chasing their prey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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