Chapter 4

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Next Morning
No one's POV
As everyone gets up and gets their gear on, we see Qrow sitting up against a nearby tree. He is awake, and watches the kids, with a small but barely noticeable smile.

Soon, Erza walks into the camp, with a cold look on his face. Qrow sees this, and pokes him a question.

Qrow: Erz? What's wrong kid?

Erza: I...I have to go.

Qrow: What? Why?

Erza: I-

Ruby: Uncle Qrow? What's going on?

Qrow: Go back to the others Ruby. Erza... what's this all about? You have to leave?

Erza: Listen, I'll keep you up to date, the kids are around so I can't say too much-

Jaune: Why? Because you don't trust us? We know about the maidens and Salem!

Erza: I know, but this is bigg-

Jaune: No! We work as a team! So what is bigger than Salem?!

Qrow: Kid!

Jaune: NO! You act so high and mighty, yet all you are is a scared little bo-

Erza: Shut it.
I'm being hunted, by all the kingdoms. I'm no stranger to fear, but I am at the point in my life where I have nothing to fear.
I act like how I do to make sure I'm still alive, to remind myself of what the happier times were like.
While you were at Beacon having fun, you know where I was? Alone. Alone in some country fighting Grimm until I was strong enough to kill anything.

Nora: wait... anything..?

Erza: Yes. I built a target on my back, and now I must go. I'll meet you guys whenever, wherever.
Qrow: Erza, promise me you will be alright..

Erza: I promise... I'll see you guys.

Qrow: Where are you going?

Erza: Somewhere, and Nowhere.

Erza then disappears into the shadows, leaving no trace.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow? What does Erza mean by having a target on his back?

Qrow: Well how about this, Do you know of the huntsman Ryan Thomas?

Nora: Duh! He's legendary!

Ruby: He was so cool! And he went to Beacon!

Jaune: He was my family's favorite huntsman back then.

Ren: But what does he have to do with Erza?

Qrow: What is Erza's last name?

RNJR: Thomas- WAIT!

Qrow: Yup. He has a target on his back from Salem. His semblance is unique, no one has a similar one nor the same powers.
He is the strongest... but even the strongest will fall.
His family died when he was 6, he lived alone for basically 12 years, I trained him for a bit...
He carries sins that no kid that age should have. He fights the dark with the light, but someday that light will fade out, leaving no darkness.
He never made friends, Never had a team, never went to school, never had fun. But yet, he smiles like he's just a regular teen.
He is a kid in a position no kid should be in, he has nothing to lose, nothing to fear. He lives to protect people for their families, not for himself.
Please, be kind to him, As he doesn't know what having someone care about him is like.
RNJR: Yes sir..

Qrow: Now let's get going, we still have a long ways to go.

Erza: I'm sorry, Qrow .

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