Wolf Moon Part 3: the transformation

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  Alright y'all this is the final part of this chapter this will be my longest one yet so sit back and relax and enjoy your ride, trigger warning blood and language and body horror if I can write it right! Enjoy the show!


  After Luz and Lucia snap out of their confusion for how in the seven heels they knew that she was there, Lucia opens the door and looks at the girl whose face was covered in tears and soaked to the brim because the rain and was breathing really fast panicking. 

Lucia and Luz were concerned about the girl and they showed it, but Luz took a breath and Greeted the girl

“Hello-” before Luz could even finish her sentence The Eldest Blight, Amelia started to ramble anxiously about what happened to her and her siblings, who are currently in the car.

“I didn't see them! I took my eyes off the road for like two seconds to deal with my siblings and then these dogs came out of nowhere-! Amelia was about to continue her distressed rambling, Lucia took charge dealing with this before from her sister and gently put her hands on the blights shoulder. 

“hey hey hey look at me and breathe, in for 3” Lucia breathes in slowly and then breathes out, “Out for eight” The eldest Blight followed her instructions and started to calm down. 

“Okay, now do you know where the dogs are so we can call animal control?” Lucia asked Amelia, the eldest Blight sighed. 

“I know where the dogs are and where I hit them they're in-” Amelia started to panic again and Lucia was patient with her.

“where are they?” Lucia said being slow with the distraught Blight.

“They are in my car with my siblings, they are keeping an eye on them while I went to get, well you guys.” The Eldest Blight calmed down as she spoke softly.

“Alright, Luz let's go take a look at them and then figure out what's up okay?” Lucia said to her sister as she grabbed her and her eldest sister their Jacket and followed Amelia to her car. 


The Eldest Blight lead the Noceda Siblings to her car, it was a black Lincoln Navigator, She popped the trunk open where The rest of the blights Were looking at the dogs that were injured,  once the truck opened the dogs started to bark which startled the Blight kids, Lucia was trying not to laugh at them so Luz spoke

“You guys okay? They're just scared they won't hurt you” Luz said to the Blight kids as they nodded their heads.

“Alright watch the magic at work kids we got this'' Lucia said after she calmed down from her little laughing fit and both she and Luz looked at the dogs that were growling at them. On instinct their new wolf instincts kicked in and their eyes glowed which caused the dogs to submit to them and chill out. 

The Noceda Siblings checked on the dogs gently examining them, the dogs' reactions to Them touching their legs whimpering in pain and almost biting them, the siblings nodded at each other and carried the dogs out of the trunk being careful. 

“Okay, so they got hurt, their legs are most likely sprained or broken, we can put a splint on their legs then we'll leave a note for the doctor.” Lucia said holding the dog with ease petting it, Luz doing the same and the younger Blight kids watched in awe, ‘Damn they're strong…’ they thought.

Then she continued, “It won't take long but if you want to come inside and chill out till the storm calms down then that's fine, just don't touch anything” She finished heading inside quickly as she's getting soaked and she's annoyed, but work is work.

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