CHAPTER 2 part 1

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Chapter 2: Second Chance

A/N: Apologies for uploading so late I totally didn't forget to finish typing this thing up, Nope not me haha anyways hers CHAPTER 2 pt. 1 Enjoy!


  Several minutes after Lucia and Luz saw Alador Blight the Local Werewolf hunter pick up his kids from school, Lucia was leaning against the locker half dressed for practice as she had a far off look staring at the wall while Luz was sitting on the bench in a daze, Realizing now that their new additions to their group of friends are Related to a Werewolf Hunter, that nearly killed them including Eda and Lilith on the weekend during the full moon.

Willow and Her sister looked towards their friends and checked on them, and when I say check on them I mean they kicked the lockers by startling The Noceda Siblings. “the hell?!” Lucia shouted Her eyes Flashing amber for a second, “Merda!” Lus shouted, causing her eyes to do the same reaction as her Sister; they both growl at Salix and Willow before snapping themselves back to reality. “Oh boy todays going to be interesting, but did you tell our lil buds what's up?” Salix Asked them and Luz Looked up. 

“We told gus about it, Skara wanted to make sure Lucia was okay, but we didn't tell her about the after, and no we didn't tell the Blights Luz said and Lucia spoke slightly panicking. “How would you Tell someone that your father nearly killed us because he is apart of a Family of Hunters that they probably don't know about and they're most likely Going to get involved in-” *She held her head getting a Headache and grunted. 

“Shit Lucia Calm down” Salix Saw Lucia panicking and noticed her eyes flashed gold and panting heavily. “Willow check Luz, Lucia Focused and Breathe in…… out….. do not transform in here” Salix Said low and quiet Lucia heard and started to focus on her breathing to calm down. 

Willow sat in front of Luz; she was Panting heavily as well, reacting to her sister's distress. “Hey hey Luz Calm down, breathe with me” Willow Instructed Helping to Calm Luz down, Luz Blinked a few times after she calmed down, “What just happened?” Willow clapped her hand on her back, “You almost went full wolf on us bud Now let's finish before the coach gets any ideas”

Willow pulled Luz Up from the bench as they finished gearing up for practice. 


  On the field the coach was about to announce what they're doing for practice today, “Alright Ladies listen up, We are going to do a mile around the field after that one on one, then I'll tell you what's going to happen for the games on Saturday, Let's go! Banshees” the coach blew the whistle and everyone started on their laps around the field. As expected Lucia and Luz Were able to Keep to the front of the line passing Bosha and her sister as they passed them with a smirk, which infuriated them ten fold, Once that was over Everyone split into equal groups forming four lines.

“Alright everyone you know the drill, Get past the defender without the ball being taken from you, if it's taken Twenty push ups” the coach says as she blew the whistle to start the drill and passed the ball to Salix who was going against their Striker Becky. Becky moved towards Salix wanting to get the ball from her but Salix Moved the ball away from her and did a defensive crossover making Becky misstep and trip, Becky tried to get back up but Salix Already went past the mark.

 The coach blew the whistle, “HavenStar Get started on those push ups Now, Right where you at” Beck Groans in irritation and started on her push ups, Next person to Lose Gives me 40 go!” The coach passed the ball to the next person. Salix Went to the Back of the other line with a neutral face. 

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