Chapter 8

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We were looking at each other for a few seconds but then I looked down to where my phone was. She looked down too and saw she accidentally made me drop my phone. She picked it up and gave it to me.
"I'm sorry," Vic said. "I didn't mean to drop your phone."
"It's okay. We were just playing around so it's my fault too," reassuring her.
"Ok. I'm gonna go get some snacks," Vic said getting up.
In the moment it felt like it was just me and Vic, but then I turned my head around to see the others looking. They tried not to make it obvious but I knew they saw what happened. In a few seconds they went back to watching the movie and talking.
If I'm being completely honest, I'm not sure what just happened. I mean Vic was slightly on me and we were staring at each other but I don't think that meant anything. It was just a little awkward I guess. Whatever I'm just going to forget about it.

I continued to watch the movie and then Vic eventually came back with snacks. She shared popcorn with me and we went back to speaking to each other forgetting about what happened.

After the movie ended it was late so I said goodbye to everyone and then went home. Vic texted me "thanks for coming," and I said "no problem:)." I enjoyed meeting more of her friends and even though we didn't really speak much ,because we were watching a movie, I thought they were nice. Of course I wouldn't expect the Arsenal girls to be nothing less than kind people.
As I got on my bed, I fell asleep thinking about what happened between me and Vic today. I didn't want to think too much of it because then I would start to think other things and I would start to become delusional. The last thing I need to be is heartbroken, especially when I'm not even with the person.

A week later

It's been a few days after hanging out with Vic and her teammates. All I've been doing is going to work in east London and texting Vic here and there. I have to say, I'm starting to feel more comfortable in London. Everyday I spend here it feels more and more like home, which is good because I don't think I'm leaving anytime soon. I do miss America of course and the people there but today's my lucky day because Dylan called me saying he was able to visit for a few days.
Thank God! I miss being around people who I actually understand what they say. Not to be rude, but sometimes English accents can sometimes be hard to understand but it's more of the slang that gets me.
Anyways. Dylan texted me he would get here soon. I didn't have a car to pick him up so I asked Vic if she could come too since she has a car.
We drove to the airport and waited for Dylan to arrive.
I heard someone yelling my name and it could only be one person.
"Taylor!" Dylan yelled as he was jogging towards us holding his luggage. I opened my arms so he could run into my arms. If someone saw us and they didn't know us, they would think we were a couple but they didn't know that he's gay and I'm gay. Just best of gay friends.
"Dylan!" I yelled back. We hugged for a few seconds and after letting go I said "i missed you."
"I missed you too!" He said looking at me and then he realized Vic was beside me. I looked a little surprised even though I told him we were friends.
"Hey. It's nice to see you again!" Dylan said to Vic.
"It's nice to see you again too," Vic said with a genuine smile.
"Well, shall we get moving? I'm really hungry." Dylan said.
"Yeah, I know this place I think you'll love. Vic showed me it." I said looking at her. She nodded in agreement. We left the airport and went to eat at a sushi restaurant.
"How did you know I love sushi?" Dylan asked me.
"Because that's literally all you would eat in New York," I said questioning him because be knows I knew that.
"Oh right, I just feel like I haven't seen you in forever. I feel like I'm forgetting things," he says sarcastically.
"Yeah right. You're being dramatic," I said laughing at him. I hear Vic laugh as well. I think she likes Dylan because of how funny he is and I'm glad she could be able to meet and hang out with one of my friends.
"So Dylan, how is New York? You enjoy living there?" Vic asked seeming like she wants to know more about him.
"Yeah, it's alright. I've always loved big cities and the weather there but it's not as glamorous as everyone says it is. I mean some parts of New York are just disgusting."
"Really?" Vic said.
"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend living where there's a lot of rats going through the garbage and running all around the streets. You have to find somewhere that's more cleaner, but that's usually where it cost more money."
"Well does any of that make you want to live in London?" Vic said with an intriguing smile.
Dylan laughed and said, "as much as I love it here, I do love New York as well. It's not perfect but it's my home and I could never live without all my friends and family there."
I looked down after what Dylan said. I understood what he meant by that but I did the opposite. I left my family and friends and maybe I'm being a little dramatic but I do really miss them and New York. Sometimes it can just be hard to think that London is my new home, but then again Vic makes me feel like I am home. Without her I don't think I would want to stay here.
"Oh I'm sorry Taylor I didn't mean it like that. I know you left but everyone's different and you left for a good reason," Dylan said.
"No it's fine. I know some people could never do what I did but maybe that makes me different and cooler," I said winking at him.
Vic smiled at my comment and said, "oh I'm sure you're the coolest American ever."
"Hmmm, I don't know about that," Dylan said.
"Hey! You're supposed to agree!" I said slightly yelling at him.
"Fine. Anyways has there been any luck finding some fish in the sea?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" Vic said.
"It just means if Taylor has found someone here in London. Like romantically."
I looked at Dylan like I was trying to figure what was going on in his mind. Why would he ask that now? In front of Vic...?
I mean me and Vic are just friends so I guess that's what he assumes.
"Um. No I haven't actually. I haven't even thought about that," I said.
"Really? You're here in london and you haven't found one person you could be interested in?" He said trying to get something out of me.
"No. I just haven't really cared about that," I said with a believable face.
"Well in that case, maybe that's what we should while I'm here? What do you say Victoria? You in?" He said.
Vic had a face on her that didn't show much emotion but then made a little small as she answered him.
"Sure, why not," she said.
Why would she agree to do this? This isn't going to be fun...

Authors note
Hello everyone! I know I've been gone but I've been really busy the past week. I'm back now and I will continue to do my best to post a chapter a day. Also thank you so much for 1k views on the book! I hope you guys continue to read and enjoy it:)

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