Chapter 11

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It was already two days after me and Drew got to know each other at the coffee shop. We talked for a while about normal things like where we're from, jobs, any past relationships. That kind of stuff. Her life seemed interesting. She was a photographer for modeling and she has worked for vogue, Gucci, adidas, etc. she actually grew up in London which explains how she knows so much about here. She also told me about her past relationships and it turns out, Dylan was right, she is gay. She's the kind of woman that has her life put together, which is good.

Dylan was already leaving to go back to New York. I'm gonna miss him. He only planned to stay here for a couple of days but I wish he stayed for at least more. He told me every time he visits, or when I visit him, we can watch Glee until we finish it and then rewatch it again. I guess it will be tradition. We said goodbye outside my apartment because he decided to take a cab to the airport. We hugged for at least three minutes and then just like that he was gone. Now the only people I could be with was Vic and Drew and maybe Vic's teammates.

It was a Wednesday and I had nothing to do. Now since Dylan was gone I wasn't going to watch Glee and Vic can't hangout since she will be busy this week preparing for her away games. I could just stay in and do nothing today but if I'm being honest I hate not being productive. I mean the past days I've been sitting on the couch watching tv with Dylan. I needed to go out and do something. The only person that I could think of available was Drew so I called to see if she would want to do something and she said yes. She also said she knew of something we could do so now I don't have to decide on what we were going to do.

I went to meet her at the location she sent me and then arrived somewhere where there was a lot of stores and buildings that surrounded a park. I saw her sitting down on a bench and walked towards her.
"Hey!" I said.
"Hey! It's nice to see you again," she said giving me a hug.
"Yeah, you too."
"You bring your camera?"
"Yes. Just like you asked," showing her my camera in one hand.
"Good. I have an idea that we could take pictures around this area of things that reminded of us of a person and then we could edit them and show them to whoever. I thought it might be a cool idea," she said as she turned in her camera.
"Wow that does sound cool. Let's do it!"
"Okay! But first you have to think of your person and I also got you a coffee. I figured it might keep you warm since it's a bit colder today," Drew said handing me a coffee.
"Oh thanks. You didn't have to."
"You're welcome. It's no problem."
"Ok well I think I got my person," I said thinking of the only person that came up to my mind right away.
"Yeah, I got mine too."
"Alright so do we just walk around separately or do you want to walk together?" I asked her.
"Separately because I think it would be easier to find more things if we go to different places."
"Ok. I'll text you when I'm done."
"Alright bye!" She said walking away.

I began walking and looking around to take pictures. I feel like I know so much about Vic that I don't think it will be hard to find things that remind me of her. I do want to be creative so something's I want to take pictures of will be actual objects she likes and some will be things that show her personality and looks. I know that I won't see her in a few days so maybe this could be something I surprise her with. I think she'll like it.

Since me and Drew met at the park I already saw some dogs that were adorable. I know Vic loves dogs and these dogs were so cute that I just had to take a picture of them. I'm already off to a great start. I then see a nearby cafe that I immediately thought of matcha which is Vic's favorite drink so I went in and tried to find someone who possibly ordered a matcha but no luck. I decided I would just order one and then take a picture because I thought it would be a really good idea. After taking the picture of the matcha I decided to give it to someone because I didn't want to waste it since I definitely wasn't going to drink it. Vic could try to make me drink it all she wants but I will never ever drink it. Going out of the coffee shop I was looking around to see what else I could take pictures of but nothing was making me be reminded of Vic. Then as I was walking near stores that had a bunch of different flags of countries, I saw a Dutch flag that I had to take a picture of. I mean that is where she is from. Walking more and more I also saw a football poster of Arsenal. I had to take a picture of that. As I continued to walk to take pictures of atleast two more things I saw a clown performing in the middle of stores. There was a crowd around him and if there's anything that a clown reminds me of Vic, it's their silly personality and always being happy. She is always smiling even if she doesn't feel like it and she is one silly person who doesn't care what people think of her when she does stupid things. I picked up my camera to my eye and took a quick picture. The last thing I wanted to take a picture of was something I already knew I was going to take before I saw it. London has flower shops everywhere so there would be no problem finding one around here. I kept walking and walking and then eventually I found one. I went inside and was met by an older woman.
"Hello? How may help you?"
"Hello. I was wondering if you have any tulips?"
"Yes I do. Are looking to buy some?"
"No. I know it sounds a little odd but I would just like to take a picture of them if that's ok," I said holding my camera up.
"Oh yes. Go right ahead. They're right over there," the lady said pointing where the tulips were.
"Thank you," I said walking towards them.
There were a few colors of them. Some pink, some  orange, and some red. I took a picture of all the colors together and then went back to the lady.
"Do you know if the tulips are imported from the Netherlands?" I asked her.
"No, they are actually from Germany but I know a shop that does sale them that are from there."
"Really? Can I have the name to that place?" I said pulling out my phone to type it down.
"Sure it's called MyFlowers."
"Thank you so much! Have a good one," I said leaving the shop.
"You too."

I was done taking the pictures of the things I found that reminded me of Vic. I was happy with what I took and I also proud of all the things I found. Drew texted me to meet up at the same place we met before taking pictures. I was already there and then I saw her coming to me.
"Hey. You took all the pictures you needed?" She asked.
"Yes, I found some pretty good things for my person. I think they're really gonna like it," I said smiling at the thought of Vic seeing the pictures that reminded me of her.
"That's great but now we have to edit them and then after that we can send them. For this part we're gonna have to go home because I left my computer at my place and I'm sure yours is at your place too."
"Right. Ok then I guess I'll see you soon and thanks for giving me something to do today," I said.
"Yeah of course. Just send me the pictures you took because I want to see what things you took pictures of."
"Ok I will. Bye," I said giving her a quick hug.
"Bye," she said touching my arm as she let go of the hug.
I didn't think much about it and then walked away to my apartment.

I was excited to show Vic the pictures so I edited them so fast I think it's the quickest I've ever edited pictures. They still turned out really nice and so I downloaded them on my phone and then sent them to Vic. I couldn't wait for her to see them and then right away she saw opened the message.


Hey! Today I had my camera
                                           and took some pictures in
                                      London that reminded me of
                                  you. I hope you like them😊💗

Wow! I love them so much!
Thank you
I needed this today💗
I'll FaceTime you in a few
minutes okay?

Okay! I'm glad you like them

As I was waiting for Vic to FaceTime me, I was watching YouTube while I heard a buzz from my phone. I looked and saw I got a message from Drew. I opened the message and there were about six pictures she sent me. They were all edited and I'm guessing the person that these pictures reminded of her were me. The first was a picture of a person with a camera, second was a gay flag ,which was kind of funny to me. The third was a picture of a dog because I told her I have a dog a few days ago. The fourth was a statue of a person that looked like someone important from London. I'm not really sure why that one reminded her of me. The fifth one was a picture of tourists having a tour and she was obviously being funny with that one because I'm from America. Then the sixth one was one I wasn't really expecting. I was a little shocked and I didn't really know what to text her. It was a picture of a poster that had a beautiful girl reading a book that said "I like you a lot. Will you give me a chance?"
I felt like I knew what she meant by that but did I at the same time? What if she asks me out? Will I say yes?

Authors note
Hello! I hope you all liked today's chapter even though there wasn't much of Victoria in it. I decided to be a little creative with this one😁 thank you all for reading!<3

Dogs and Pictures - Victoria PelovaWhere stories live. Discover now