Day 1 🫥#3

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Regie pov

The house was quite and it's never quite. But then I realized that it's only me and Ollie home.

I took this as an opportunity to make us breakfast. But I think he still asleep. (Go's to Ollie's room to see if he's asleep)

As I made it to Ollie's room I heard what sounds like muffling as if he's talking to someone so I knocked on the door. it revealed that he was talking to a guy or a friend.

And for some reason I felt as if I was jealous but I wouldn't let it show.

(So I just ask him was he hungry.)

R- Ollie are you hungry let me know before I cook if so.

O-yes reg and think u

R-No problem bro

Ollie's pov

Bro,"Bro. When he said that I was hurt but I could not let him know how I feel it would be weird.

So I introduced him to my friend Enzo.

O- Regie this is Enzo my old friend from school.

R- "Regie", ok that's how it is now
Nice to meet you Enzo.

O- Regie what do you mean that's what we're doing now all I did was say your name.

E- Regie nice meeting you Ollie I thinks it's time for me to go you to clearly have some things you need to work out so good bye. (And with that Enzo left.)

O- What is your problem REGIE.

R- That that's my problem Oliver.
Why did you call me REGIE

O- I don't know maybe because that your name. So I really don't see the point of this.

R-you don't get it you never do Ollie I don't want you to call me that I like it when you call me Reg but it doesn't matter anymore.

O-reg look I'm sorry. But you hurt me to you called me bro.

I need a nap GN REGIE.

Regie pov
Ollie I'm sorry can I lay with you and cuddle. I didn't mean it

O-yes come over here reg.

[Time skip]

It's 3am and I'm Cold I was about to go get in my bed but when I tried to Ollie wanted me to stay with him so I scooped him into a ball and went back to sleep but first I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Oliver went to sleep blushing that night. 🌟

What happened the next day?

Will the boys spend more time together?

What will happen in the 2 days they have left alone?

Will Ollie tell REGIE how he feel?

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