sebryan & oligie 😁#6

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Ok look not everyone makes it to the good chapters the first ones are bad I will say myself But it gets better so like keep going past this and go to the next 3 or 4 and you will get to the good parts. edited~03/16/24

Sorry 😐 I forgot to post this

Oh by the way it might put this part first before the Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas part and the part where it's like I appreciate you guys for reading my book because I was already working on it so it might put it first. Because I thought if I go ahead and start working on it and then I go post the other ones that it was going to be after the other ones but it's before the other ones.
[Ryan's pov]
Seb likes me, should I say something
I got up to get ready for the 9am meeting I was the first one downstairs on the couch.

Sebastian-hey Ryan. How did you sleep?

Ryan-hey Seb. I slept well.i have a question for you.

Seb- yes what is it?

Ry- do you like me?


Ty-hey guys. How did you sleep

Both of the boys-i slept good how about you.

Ty- good. (Sits on the couch)

[Time Skip's]

(Narrator pov)
The 9am meeting just started. they were planning their new videos. That they had to post before tomorrow which is Saturday.

Seb keep looking at Ryan.

{Ryan's pov}
In the Corner of my eye I can see Seb glancing at me. After the meeting I am going to ask him to talk. But then at the same time I don't really want to know how he feels what if he doesn't like me.


{OLIVER'S pov}

after the 9am meeting I sat in my room to write a song but there was a knock on the door

Ollie-Come in

[Ten minutes ago🤦‍♀️]
{Regies pov}

I was getting up to go to my room when ty called me and asked to talk.

Ty- hey regie sit for me(pointed to a seat)

Reg- ok what is it cuh

ty- So "Wednesday" I wanted to talk to you about Wednesday.

(Regies thoughts)

Oh shii not this

ty-So you no the boy's and I came home that day and when we walked in we um we heard you and ollie you know. but its ok because the boys and I left the house because we could see that you two had a thing for each so we new that was going to happen.

Regie-wait y'all set us up wtf ty

Ty-yes but don't do that while we're home.

Ty-And congratulations

(Regie walls in)

ollie- hey reg what's up

Regie- so in wanted to talk about Wednesday night you know when all the boys were gone.

Oliver- Yea, wait did you not like it regi-

Regie-No I liked it, it's just that when we were like on the last round the boys "they "they-

Oliver- They what Regie?

Regie-They came home early that day which means on our last round they heard us.

(Narrator pov)
Oliver started to cry. For what ionk

Regie-ollie it's ok it's ok Ollie

Oliver- regie I no but what if my parents find out about us.


(What will happen next?)ionk bruh

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