The night it all started. Saturday night#8

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Hey Guys this is the last chapter. But it's alright because I'm in the middle of writing new new stories for you. guys
{Regie's pov}
I got up at 8am and I don't know why because today was Saturday and we had no 9am meeting today but I just can't get Oliver off my mind for some reason(I no a reason regie, maybe because he's your boyfriend🤦‍♀️)I have him on my mind when I go to sleep when I wake up every single time. Maybe it's just the dick thinking and not me🤷‍♀️. (Wow)

I proceeded to get up but was stopped by Oliver. And I tried so hard not to kiss him and let the dick do the talking but it was hard yk.


Smut time......................................
(Narrator pov)
Oliver was getting up to go to the bathroom when regie pulled him back down on the bed and said. (I don't care what ty said I want you now). And with that he took Oliver pants off and his shirt and he was only left in his boxers Oliver look liked he was about to say something to regie but didn't

Regie- what is it Oliver. Do you not want to?

Oliver-No it's not that it's Just I thought you said ty said don't do this why they are here

Regie- I don't care what ty said. Right now I want what I want and that's you so do you want to finish what you started last night or what.

Oliver got on top of regie. Kissed him with love.He started taking off his and Regie clothes he started to kiss Regie on his neck (🤷‍♀️) he found his soft spot and keep kissing it and showing it love. He look up at regie and says. Oliver-I'M going to love on you today and tonight. Just lay here don't move or nothing let me do the work(🤦‍♀️)
If yk what happened well yk🙄

(Time skips)
Regie and Ollie was upstairs sleep while all the other boys was downstairs playing smash& Mario kart. While Darren was in the kitchen cooking dinner for everyone.

Darren-jp can you go get regie and Ollie.
Jp- ok, he went to get them and came back down with them to eat
(Narrator pov)

Mean while all the boys are eating there is tension between Seb and Ryan, they kept looking at each other and the boys new something was up because Seb was quiet and when has Seb been quiet [sorry Seb]
After they ate they went to get ready for tonight aka(Saturday party) Ryan and Seb went to their room.

Ryan-seb what's up with you and I ?(y'all are in love😁) we've been staring at each other from the other day to the table this morning.

Seb- what do you mean Ryan?

Ryan- why would you ask me what do I mean when I just said it Seb you no you feel something (🤦‍♀️) I no Im not the only one.

Seb-you feel something for me Ryan, because if you D-

Ryan- if I do what it's not like you would admit it,SO WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU AND YOU DON'T FEEL THE SAME ABOUT ME ? HUH?

Seb- you love me?

Ryan-see this is what I'm talking abo-

(Narrator pov)
Before Ryan could finish his sentence Seb smashed his lips into Ryan's which caught him off guard and cost him to moan. After one minute of making out they stopped and looked at each other.

Seb- I love you too 💕

Ryan pushed Seb onto the bed

SMUT TIME😁............................................

Ryan pushed Seb onto the bed and climb on top of him, Seb-ryan what are you doing, Ryan- can we umm yk, Seb flip them over so he was on top of Ryan and took off his and Ryan clothes and look at Ryan like he was in love,

Seb- nun just armoring your body I love how little your waist is.

To be continued.........................................
Seb got behind Ryan and slide inside of him while Ryan was covering his mouth so he wouldn't moan because the other boys would hear him. Seb started to go in and out of Ryan and he just couldn't take it anymore he let out the loudest moan that all the boys heard and which was downstairs started to laugh, because of it.

Time skip"

Seb and Ryan was upstairs sleep while Justin and Darren went upstairs to their room.

Justin- bae I want you

Darren- what do you mean you have me already, hav-

Smut time....................................................
Before Darren could finish his sentence Justin smashed his lips into his lips (and if yk what happened after well good for you😁)

All the boys was tired so they cancelled the party and just sat in the living room all night and watch tv while cuddling each other.

Guys think you for reading my story 😁, it's cold as a btc outside but we not gon talk about that cuz we got some extra days at home,(😁)
If you not ready to go back to school make sum noise wtf(Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Guys I'm not gon do y'all like that let me think about it and I might consider to continue this story 😁 ok good night it's 3 in the fuckin morning.

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