*Chapter 1*

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Hopping off the stage, LAidyn gratefully accepts the towel that is handed to him, along with the ice-cold water bottle, chugging the whole thing in one go as he wipes his neck and face with the towel, walking away from the stage to allow the others to climb off the stage, getting their own water bottles and towels as they come off stage. "That was FUCKING AMAZING!" Laidyn screams, high on the post-show adrenaline, happy he is almost done with touring for the next six months. "Only three more shows to go until our six-month break!"  Vinny yells, joining LAidyn while he walks to the band's green room, watching and assisting as the man pulls his microphone pack off of his belt, and pulls the wiring from under his shirt with Vinny's help. "I can't fucking wait to go home, man." LAidyn says, sounding equally excited and exhausted, causing Vinny to sigh, knowing exactly how hard LAidyn's been working the past two and a half years. "I bet. You've been going non-stop for almost three years now, man." Vinny says, sounding a little worried. "I'm fine bub." LAidyn responds, reaching over and ruffling Vinny's hair, his boots giving him a major height advantage on Vinny. Vinny makes a noise that sounds like a whine and a yelp mixed, "Stop!" He yells, running away from LAidyn, leaving him behind as he runs to the band's green room. Ricky catches up to LAidyn, poking his hand as he came up beside him. "When are we meeting the 'three most important men in your life, even though you can't stand the one' again?" Ricky asks, laughing as he quotes LAidyn, watching as the man throws his head back, laughing loudly in response. "When we do our final show." LAidyn says, finally calming down and looking at Ricky, with a massive grin on LAidyn's face, as he walks beside the, only occasionally taller, man. Ricky nods in response, looking up and asking, "Need help?" talking about his boots, the ones he only wore on stage, that made him almost as tall as Chris and Justin, both those men standing at 6'5". "Justin will probably help me, like always." LAidyn responds, "But you can help me get this fucking make-up off." LAidyn rolls his eyes, groaning as they finally get to the green room. "Fucking finally!" Justin yells from behind the two, the exhaustion weighing heavily on the entire band. "How the fuck have you been doing this for nearly three years?" Justin asks LAidyn, getting a shrug in response along with LAidyn mumbling, "Cause I'm not old." Getting a gasp from Ricky, Chris, Ryan, and Justin. "Damn! That was cold!" Ryan says, passing LAidyn and joining Vinny in wiping the paint from his skin. "Sorry, not sorry." LAidyn says, a playful grin on his face, sitting down on the only couch, instantly reaching down to pull his boots off, working on getting the zipper down. Justing takes his usual spot, kneeling on the floor in front of LAidyn, pulling the zippers down the rest of the way, and then helping pull the boots off completely, freeing LAidyn from his concert boots. "Fucking death traps." Justin says as he puts LAidyn's boot in their usual after-show spot for the wardrobe crew to pack up like normal.

"I'm so ready for this hotel bed. I'm being so serious." LAidyn says, standing up and groaning, all of the men in the room hear the cracks coming from the small man's body, all of them knowing that he was working himself to death, all to avoid the problems he was having with his roommate, Wyatt. LAidyn pads over to his usual boots, the ones that make him 5'6" instead of 6'3" like he is on stage. LAidyn groans, holding his ribs as he bends over to pull his three-inch platform boots on, standing up straight only to hear another series of cracks come from the small man's body. "Jesus. Fucking. Christ!" Laidyn says, punctuating every word, looking over at Chris, who nods and jokingly says, "And I'm the old one." Which earns him an eye roll and the middle finger, which only makes him laugh his ass off, working on removing his make-up, watching LAidyn walk over to Ricky, who was waiting patiently for LAidyn to get his boots off before removing his make-up, the after-show routine almost a ritual at this point. Ricky gently removes the makeup from LAidyn's face, watching as the man's perfect, and pale skin starts to make its usual appearance. LAidyn's phone starts ringing at the same time, every single night, the rest of the men sharing a look as LAidyn answers his phone, Ricky still gently working on removing LAidyn's makeup. "Hey, Ry!" LAidyn says, cheerfully, his dimpled smile making an appearance, his face looking so much younger than twenty-six when he smiles, Ricky notices. 

As he finishes wiping the makeup from LAidyn's skin, he watches as the smile slowly fades, a small "W-What..?" Coming from the man, causing everyone to instantly stop what they were doing, instead focusing on LAidyn, and the way the word sounded so small coming out of his mouth. "What do you mean you aren't coming?" LAidyn asks, causing all the other men to gasp in silent shock, knowing how much LAidyn had been looking forward to seeing his three best friends, and the people he did YouTube with. Ricky sees the tears gathering at LAidyn's lashline, threatening to spill at any given moment, and Ricky watches as LAidyn closes his eyes, and the tears fall, and just keep coming. All five men in the room with him watch in shock, unable to handle their youngest member crying, the only one that does anything is Justin, who grabs LAidyn's phone from him, asking Ryan what the fuck is going on while pulling LAidyn onto his lap, comforting the more petite man. The remaining men watch Justin's face in the mirror, watching the anger morph into excitement. "Oh shit, hopefully, she's okay man, I'm sorry your girlfriend isn't doing good." Justin says, mouthing the words 'tell you later' in the mirror for everyone to see, watching them all nod in response, their hearts breaking when they hear the sob leave LAidyn's lips, none of them realizing it was killing the three on the other side of the phone to hear their best friend breakdown and being completely unable to do anything about it. "I kinda wanna take it back and tell him we'll be there." River says to Wyatt, getting a hum in response from Justin and Ryan. The three back in Nevada feel horrible for causing LAidyn to break down, knowing that he's been looking forward to seeing them at his last show before he takes a six-month break from all the tours and music-making he does. The five with LAidyn have no idea how to help LAidyn, knowing that his crying only happens when he has been doing too much, working too hard, or when he's stressed out, which isn't that often. Justin hangs up the phone when he and Ryan are done talking, Chris having moved over and pulled LAidyn into his arms, and onto his lap, holding him gently as Justin talked to the three in Nevada, Chris comforting the small man instead, hearing the sobs grow louder and more frequent. 

After Justin hangs up and looks over at LAidyn, curled up and sobbing in Chris's lap, and sighs softly, hoping they can calm him down soon, knowing that food and getting to the hotel will help them calm him down completely, a whole hell of a lot sooner. "Let's go get food and get to the hotel, yeah?" Justin says, watching as LAidyn nods, still crying, but less than before. Chris stands up, still holding LAidyn against his body gently, the smaller man wrapping his arms around Chris's neck, holding him tightly, as Chris moved to grab LAidyn's bag, as well as his own, watching it get scooped up by Ricky, and Justin moved to take LAidyn's bag from Chris, telling him to just worry about LAidyn and keeping him in the air, all of them knowing how LAidyn felt about being carried around. The four men follow Chris as he walks out to the bus, leaving out the back door of the venue, heading towards their bus, all of them ready for food and their once-in-a-blue-moon hotel nights, even though for the last three shows of the tour are all hotel nights as well, they all still plan to savor the nights in the hotels, before they are back in their own beds, in their own homes. Chris climbs on the bus, asking the driver if he'd take them to Taco Bell, feeling LAidyn perk up a little at the mention of actual food, they both hear the driver agree to take them to the fast food joint, before continuing along the narrow bus hall, towards the lounge area, knowing that they were gonna go to a Taco Bell closer to their hotel before going to the hotel. As they all board the bus and take a seat in the lounge area, Chris settles in with LAidyn on his lap, looking extremely depressed, before standing from Chris's lap, mumbling something about coming to get him when they get to Taco Bell. Once LAidyn had cleared the room, Justin had moved closer the the other four, explaining what had happened. "They want to surprise him by coming to the last show with a giant teddy bear he's had his eye on for a while. They are also bringing him flowers and Wyatt. who will be going to his first ever Motionless concert ever." Justin says, dropping his voice so the only people who would be able to hear him are the four men surrounding him.

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