*Chapter 5*

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"Let's go, Wyatt." LAidyn says, finally free from his stage boots, and instead in his usual boots, which make him a couple of inches shorter than Wyatt. LAidyn walks up and grabs his hand, leading him away from everyone else, the twins letting them have a while to themselves. "We'll be at the hotel!" Ryan calls after them, watching LAidyn throw a thumbs-up over his head. Wyatt just nods and follows LAidyn out onto the streets, following him to the nearest diner, which LAidyn had scouted on their way to the venue, stating he was gonna go there after the show, and that he didn't care if the rest of them came with him or not. Once the two got led to a booth in the diner, they sat down and waited for a few moments, wondering if anyone was going to join them at the small diner, the group of people would easily fill over half of this small diner, and when no one does LAidyn begins to talk, "So... I know you are probably still kinda angry about this whole thing..." He starts, getting cut off after that. "Yeah, a little, but mostly at myself for not listening to you when you kept telling me to watch the music videos. I could've known a whole hell of a lot sooner and I'm mad at myself for being stubborn in not watching the videos," Wyatt also starts, "But I'm kinda happy I found out this way. It was a pretty epic way to find out about something like this, I have to say." Wyatt finishes, smiling softly at the man in front of him. LAidyn just smiles in response, reaching over and grabbing Wyatt's hand. "I'm sorry I kissed you..." LAidyn says, causing Wyatt to get up instantly, moving over to his side of the booth, leaning in, and kissing him softly. "It was overdue anyway." Wyatt whispers. "But your girlfriend..." LAidyn starts, getting cut off, "We broke up at the beginning of last year. I just never told you." He says, quickly stopping that thought process in its tracks. "It was overdue, huh?" LAidyn asks cracking a grin, a grin mirroring his own on Wyatt's face as well.

The two manage to sit there for close to an hour, just holding each other, the two reveling in the feeling of each other, finally being able to hold each other without anyone judging them in the slightest, the diner being empty beside the two of them and the employees. Their server gushed about how cute the two were being, all the employees had figured out by now that the two were on a date. On their first date, the thought occurs to them both at the same time. "I don't think I have ever been happier," Wyatt says, suddenly, making LAidyn nod his head in agreement. "I never would have thought it would be me and you." He finishes, LAidyn looking up at him from where he was leaning against his chest. "I knew it was gonna happen eventually. Rick even threatened to kill us both if I didn't make a move." LAidyn laughs while saying it, knowing that Ricky and Justin thought he was asleep when they had said those words. "I have had feelings for you, for a while now. Like since we met. I was just scared of the feeling I had for you-" LAidyn was cut off with a gentle kiss, effectively cutting his rambling off. "I have had feelings for you for just as long. I just didn't want to accept it so I think we both chose to act like we hated each other to save ourselves." Wyatt says, pressing another kiss to LAidyn's lips, feeling the man nod in agreement once again. "My ex fucked me up, Wyatt. But you already know that." LAidyn says, looking into Wyatt's eyes, nothing but love and trust in his eyes watching as Wyatt processes the words LAidyn just said. The determination on Wyatt's face surprised LAidyn slightly, knowing that Wyatt was gonna fight to make sure LAidyn felt every ounce of love and affection Wyatt held for him. Wyatt leaned in and kissed LAidyn slowly, softly, the kiss becoming more passionate as Wyatt tried to convey his feelings without using any words, LAidyn doing the same.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Ricky yells from the door of the diner, startling the two men in the booth, sharing a very passionate kiss, making them break apart and look over at him, seeing him wave his hand at them, "We gotta go!" Ricky yells, walking back out onto the street, and waiting for the two inside to pay and join him. "Don't worry about it." The server says, Wyatt pulling his wallet out to grab his card. "But..." Wyatt starts, the owner and chef walking out from the kitchen, "Nonsense! On the house for the new couple!" The older woman shouts, coming out of the kitchen, and waving a dish towel at the two. LAidyn pulls out three twenty dollar bills, handing two to the server and one to the owner. "At least let us tip you both, the food was amazing!" LAidyn insists when the server tries to refuse the tip. "Please, you were wonderful and the food was absolutely amazing." LAidyn insists again, watching the older woman's eyes light up in recognition, noticing who LAidyn is. "You're from my grandson's favorite band! Could I get a picture?" The owner asks sweetly. "Only if you accept the tip I'm giving you!" LAidyn responds with a cheeky smile, the woman's grandson walking through the door a few seconds later. As soon as the woman accepts the money, LAidyn poses next to her, taking a few photos with the woman on her phone, Wyatt playing photographer for a moment as the woman's grandson walks over, "Hi, Grandma!" He says, snapping her out of the conversation that she and LAidyn were having, the woman's face lighting up as she looks over. LAidyn turned around a few seconds later, looking at the photos Wyatt had taken.

"How did I not know this shit?" W.H. (Twin Paranormal)Where stories live. Discover now