*Chapter 6*

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"I love you all," LAidyn says suddenly, catching everyone off guard at the suddenness of his words. "I don't say it enough but I do love you all." LAidyn finishes, "You all are my family," He starts looking at everyone, then turning to look at Wyatt, "And the one who I know is gonna treat me like an absolute king." Everyone else cooed softly at the cute couple in front of them, both Ryans sneaking a picture of the happy couple to send to their partners, and Justin sending one to Shae, his wife. Chris snuck a picture of them on Snapchat as well, sending it to all of LAidyn's music world friends with the caption of "Fucking finally ;)" And with a laugh, he showed it to Ryan and River, showing them all he was sending the photo to, and then sending it off to everyone. Soon Andy Biersack and his wife Juliet had sent a snap back taking shots in celebration, sending it to LAidyn as well. LAidyn pulled out his phone and showed Wyatt all the Snapchats he was getting in response to Chris sending off a photo of the two, getting congrats from everyone, including Maria Brink of In This Moment, Oli Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon, and Jonny Hawkins of Nothing More. LAidyn finally got to the one from Andy and Juliet, laughing so hard he snorted, just causing everyone to laugh as well, LAidyn laughing harder, snorting again. Wyatt laughed but stared at LAidyn like he was the the entire world to Wyatt, which he was, and had been for a while now.

They all eventually split up and went to their own rooms for bed, LAidyn rooming with the twins, Ryan and River, as well as Wyatt, sharing the bed with Wyatt, choosing to put on his pentagram pajama shorts and one of Wyatt's shirts, his usual pajama combination while on tour. Ryan catches a glimpse of his favorite shirt, "THAT IS WHERE THAT WENT!" He yelled, grabbing his shirt out of LAidyn's bag and holding it up. "And that's where my favorite hoodie went!" River groans grabbing it as well. "Put. Them. Back!" LAidyn growls making the brothers drop them immediately, looking at LAidyn startled. "You guys should have known." Wyatt says from his spot on the bed, chuckling softly when LAidyn snuggles into him, wrapping his arm around the smaller man, watching the sleepy smile grace his face, cuddling into him further. "I'm so happy I get to do this whenever the fuck I want." LAidyn states, his voice thick with sleep, trying to keep his eyes open just a little longer, so he can catch up with his boys. "Go to sleep love, no one is gonna be mad." Wyatt says, River following up with, "We can only imagine how hard it is to sleep on those bunks!" and LAidyn laughs sleepily, pushing himself farther down on the bed, getting comfortable, Wyatt's shirt riding up, showing the tattoos on LAidyn's thighs, them all knowing that it was all to cover up some old scars. Wyatt watches him for a few moments, sliding down a little as well, gently pulling LAidyn close to him, the more petite man's head on his chest, his arm thrown over Wyatt's middle. Wyatt wraps his arm around LAidyn, holding him close, while the twins get ready for bed, both showering one after the other and climbing into the other bed in the room.

The twins shut the lights off, Wyatt staying up a little while longer, making sure LAidyn doesn't have a nightmare like he does every night, and when he is certain he won't Wyatt turns slightly gently pulling LAidyn's body into his, the man having flipped to his other side a little while before that. Wyatt wrapped his arm around LAidyn's waist, gently snuggling into him as a small smile graced LAidyn's face in his sleep. Wyatt gently kissed the man's shoulder while he slept, whispering, "I will always protect you from these demons of yours." As he drifted to sleep, LAidyn turned around in his arms, his face now buried into Wyatt's chest, his leg gently thrown over Wyatt's hip, causing the man to move his hand down to LAidyn's thigh, gently pulling him closer, feeling extremely happy and content with the feeling of the man snuggled into him. When the twins awoke the next morning, they got up and went through their daily routine, and when they finally glanced over at Wyatt and LAidyn, they were greeted with the cutest sight they had ever seen. LAidyn had, at some point in the night, been pulled on top of Wyatt, both of Wyatt's arms were wrapped around LAidyn, keeping him in place, while Wyatt's knee was bent on the side closest to the edge of the bed, also protecting LAidyn and keeping him from falling off the bed. Wyatt's face was buried in the crook of LAidyn's shoulder, and LAidyn's face was buried in the same spot on Wyatt as well. The twins let the two sleep a bit longer, heading over to Chris's room to hang out with the other members of the band, but only after taking a bunch of pictures.

LAidyn and Wyatt woke up on their own an hour later, LAidyn letting out a little groan against Wyatt's skin, Wyatt letting out a little chuckle at the feeling. "Morning baby doll..." Wyatt whispers, his voice thick with sleep, making it sound slightly raspy and huskier than usual, gently tightening his grip on LAidyn making him laugh softly and press a small kiss to Wyatt's neck, making the man groan softly. LAidyn pulls away, then presses a small kiss to Wyatt's lips, smiling into the kiss as he does, Wyatt returning the kiss, deepening it slightly, smiling into the kiss away, happy he finally got the guy he's been wanting for at least four years now. Wyatt makes a silent promise to love LAidyn harder than he's ever been loved before and silently promises to love him more than anyone he has ever been with before. Wyatt remembers the horror story that is the ex-boyfriend, vows that he will never, ever, be like that, and vows to treat LAidyn with the love and respect that he deserves. When the two finally got around to getting out of bed, Wyatt groaned and mumbled "But you were so warm..." making LAidyn laugh loud enough for the rest of the group to hear, three rooms away. LAidyn got up out of bed, off of Wyatt, and went into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror and groaning "I look like I stuck my finger in a fucking power outlet..." Making Wyatt laugh loud enough for the others to hear in the other room as well. Ryan and River got up from their positions on the floor and went into the other room to check on Wyatt and LAidyn, finding them both in hysterical laughter, wondering what the hell was going on with the two. "What the fuck happened... We were only gone for an hour!" River exclaims, shocked at how hard the two are currently laughing. "Wyatt was complaining that I had gotten up and said quote "But you were so warm" and it made me laugh!" LAidyn explains. "Then he said he looked like he stuck his finger in the outlet!" Wyatt laughs, "And then we just kept going and saying dumb shit trying to get the other to laugh even harder..." Wyatt explains, laughing with LAidyn who had joined him on the bed again, now fully dressed and his hair brushed.

"Uh-huh..." Ryan says, looking over at his twin. "Are we gonna have to deal with this shit every day?" Ryan finishes his sentence, looking at the two on the bed, and seeing them smiling at each other. "Probably not, to be honest." Wyatt explains, "Seeing as I always get up early as fuck, and Lai is always the last to get up, though it's understandable why..." he trails off, looking at the smaller man straddling his lap, Wyatt's hands gently resting on the more petite man's thighs, looking at him with a grin spread across his lips, his own grin probably mirroring his. "I saw we go return the damn rental car and y'all just join me on the bus!" LAidyn says, excited at the thought. "That would be a great idea... and we have the room!" Ricky says, walking into the room with Justin trailing behind him.

"How did I not know this shit?" W.H. (Twin Paranormal)Where stories live. Discover now