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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

Ollie Meier loved his job. Correction he adored his job, after all who wouldn't adore coddling sleeping babies all day especially the one's that don't cry. But then again most other surgical residents resented Ollie as everyone on the paediatric ward loved him hence why he got picked to work up there most of the time while they were stuck dealing with drunken men who got their heads stuck in walls or whose liver was failing. Hell even when Ollie was stuck doing normal jobs he still got it pretty easy with either elderly people or people who had passed out which brought him to the incident which distracted him from lunch today.

Much like Ollie, Spencer Reid loved his job but he hated how it would often drain him of energy and constantly left him reaching for a cup of coffee, hell sometimes he felt so tired that he felt like he was on the verge of passing out, today being one of those days, ''pretty boy you alright, your eyes are looking a bit... dark again, you promised me you'd try to get more sleep. Anyway Hotch needs you all in the briefing room.'' Penelope's voice seemed fuzzy in his head as per usually only this time he thought that if he stood he may fall. And that's exactly what happened. His paleing hands clutching the bannister as he swayed before harshly hitting the floor, ''Hotch!'' A voice yelled causing the monotonous man to exit his office, ''Garcia call a medic.''

The golden haired man sat in an empty on-call room, his headphones blasting music and his eyes trained on his beeper, ''oi Meier, come with me. You've been called out, someone's passed out in a Federal building and well your the only one who isn't busy.'' Ollie jumped up from his seat rushing behind his mentor down the corridor, ''oh doctor Angel's on duty again, look out ladies.'' An elderly voice called from behind Ollie making him laugh.

''right Meier, I'm going to get you into the building and then its all you from there, alright?'' the elder of the two asked, Ollie only subtly nodding trailing behind the greying man, ''hello, i'm Doctor Robert Cole from Stafford Hospital, my collegue Doctor Oliver Meier will be helping with the fainting incident.'' Robert introduced pushing Ollie in front of the security guard, ''ah right this way Doctor Meier.'' much like a lost puppy Ollie lightly jogged behind the guard, securing his med bag closer to his side.

''Agent Hotchner, Agent Morgan this is Doctor Meier he'll be treating Doctor Reid.'' the guard introduced as Ollie set down his bag, ''hello Doctor Reid, I'm Ollie i'll be treating you today, okay.'' Ollie's faint accent rang as he ducked down in front of Spencer, shining his pen light in his eyes, ''well his pupils are responsive so that's a good sign and he's coming around but I'd still like to tend to his cut.'' Ollie informed the other two Agents pulling antiseptic wipes from his bag followed by a clear bandage, ''okay now, this my hurt a little bit but it'll be over soon.'' Ollie offered a reassuring smile.

Spencer didn't know what he did to deserve a doctor who was a reincarnation of an angel. After all everything about Ollie screamed angelic, from his shaggy blonde hair to his beautiful blue eyes and soft, caring aura. So the sandy haired man didn't really care when Ollie caused him some minor pain because after all he didn't really mean to do it.

''there we are, all done. Now I need you two to do me a favour, don't let him sleep, keep an eye on him. If anything with his vision starts to worsen or if he get's a headache either bring him in or ring 911 and ask for doctor Oliver Meier and I'll be right with you. Also to keep his blood sugar up I suggest giving him a biscuit or something sugary and a glass of orange juice.'' Ollie stated strapping his med kit over his shoulder.

''thank you again Doctor Meier, you've helped us a great deal.''

''it's no problem Agent Hotchner, after all its my job. I'll see you 'round Doctor Reid.''

𝗱𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 , 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙞𝙙Where stories live. Discover now