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To say Ollie was confused was an understatement. Well you would be to if a surgical resident who happened to be your friend was rushing back and forth an on-call room with 5 or 6 dresses in her hands, ''Ollie help me please.'' Hazel called out to the blonde, flashing a variety of fluorescent fabrics at him, ''Haz, I have a consult in half an hour are you sure we're going to have time for this?'' Ollie set his headphones on his neck. The brunette woman stuck her head out the bathroom door, ''yes Ol, I'll make sure to get you back before your consult, so just sit back and help an old friend out. Otherwise I will have to hold you down and tie you up.'' Hazel chuckled to herself as Ollie's baby blue eyes widened in shock.

By the third dazzling dress, Ollie had become bored. It was like seeing the same dress repeatedly, just in a different colour. But he wasn't going to say that to Hazel when she found it to be one of the most important things at the minute, ''Haz, you alright in there?'' Ollie freted after hearing the woman struggle with her zip multiple times, ''yeah, its just a bit hard to do up but I'm coming out to you anyway.'' When Ollie saw her in that scarlet dress, he knew that was the one for her, ''I don't think we need to see number 5, this one looks so beautiful on you Haz.''

Hazel Collins was so glad she had a friend like Ollie. One that would compliment her without making it weird and one she could become close to as he wasn't flirting with her. Afterall, no one in their close circle of friends expected him to either because everyone in that group knew Ollie Meier was gay. It was as clear as the sky on a sunny day. Yet woman around Ollie never seemed to pick that up, ''are you sure Ollie, I can just try it one and we'll see.'' Hazel smoothed out the edges of the dress, ''I'm sure Haz, you look perfect... oh that's my patients see you when I get back.'' Ollie offered a soft smile as he hugged the woman, ''good luck to the man who marries you sunshine.'' Hazel commented to herself as Ollie darted out of the door.

''good afternoon, I'm Doctor Meier but you can call me Ollie. I'll be your doctor for today.'' Ollie beamed filling in the form on the bedside table, ''its a pleasure to meet you doctor Meier, I'm Sam and this is my husband Tony we normal have Doctor Maple but I heard she's on maternity leave so your the second best I guess.'' a middle aged, platnium haired woman responded firmly shaking Ollie's hand, ''and I'm Abigail, but you can call me Abby for short... I'm the kid with the liver of an adult alcoholic.'' Abigail chuckled to herself, ''ignore her doctor Meier, her liver is fine. She just comes in her a lot to get fluids.'' Sam cursed her daughter making Ollie lightly giggle at the young girl, ''it's no problem, let's get you hooked up to fluids and get you out of here as soon as possible.'' ''hey doctor Meier, do you like stickers?''

Hazel Collins couldn't hide her uncontrolable laughter as she spotted Ollie entering the room, ''Ollie, what on Gods green earth happened to you? Your covered head to toe in stickers and plasters.'' ''Well, I had a patient on paeds who loved stickers and decided to make me a walking sticker book and then I had an old woman who refused to let me cover up her cuts to stop them from getting infected so it got a bit difficult when I had to put plasters on her... hence why this has happened.'' Ollie gestured up and down his body, ''this is why the paeds department love you Ollie, your such a softy when it comes to children and babies, more than usual but on the plus side your very colourful.''

''Ol, I need to ask you for a big favour.'' Hazel wiped tissue over her freshly tainted lips, ''okay, what is it? As long as it isn't babysitting Chestnut again, I'd like to keep me nose intact.'' Ollie poked his head of the lowest bunk, ''of course not, I love you too much for that.'' Hazel laughed, ''i need you to cover my night shift in the Nursery,'' Hazel stepped out of the bathroom, right as the clock ticked six o'clock, ''you know you never have to ask me to cover you, I'm always up there.'' Hazel rushed out the door, ''shit, shit, shit, its six already.''

''got somewhere to be have you cinderella.'' Ollie chortled following the trail of crimson out the door, ''no, Ollie I need you help. Look for a red-haired man in a suit, I'll meet you at work, he makes it so bloody hard to find him.'' Hazel cursed looking for her fiery locked boyfriend, ''whose she looking for?'' James spoke from behind Ollie, ''you, go to her. One day your going to cause her to have a panic attack.'' The two chuckled in chorus, ''nice seeing you again Ol, bloody hell woman I'm coming.'' Hazel yanked the man by his cuffed sleeve.

''Ollie, yet again, you are my lifesaver.''

''its no problem.''

𝗱𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 , 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙞𝙙Where stories live. Discover now