Chapter 1.

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Quinn stared at the crippling divorce papers sitting before her, blocking out the lawyers talking back in forth she couldn't help but think about everything that led to this moment, to think the guy she fell in love with at the tender age of fifteen would turn out to be the asshole who was sitting across from her staring dagger's into her soul. After another five minutes of the lawyers bickering back and forth she decided it was time to speak up.

"So this is what you want to do next, drag this out in court when you can just sign the damn papers!"

She yelled across the table at Shawn who looked annoyed by this whole procedure.

"I'm not losing my family."

He gritted through his teeth which angered Quinn even more.

"You lost us the moment you decided to fuck her!"

She exclaimed so loud the entire law office stopped what they were doing as she stood and ripped the ring that had stayed on her finger for the past fifteen years faithfully and chucked it at Shawn, who had begin to cry himself as she rushed out of the office.

Quinn couldn't wait to leave that stuffy ass room she had remained faithful to one man for fifteen years while for the last five her beloved husband was fucking his secretary.

She still remembered the night she caught them, she was suspicious because he was always late every Friday and for the first four years she thought it was his demanding job but Christmas eve last year she found lipstick on his collar when he once again came home late on a Friday, but her mind wouldn't let her believe that the only man she had been with would ever do something so horrid.

Turns out he would and did she walked in on him with her straddling his lap kissing the very lips that form lies like 'it's us forever.' and 'I love you'.

He seen her and tried to stop her from leaving his office that night but she was gone and when she got home she packed a bag for her and Avery and decided right then and there she was leaving him. Thinking back to that moment she began to start crying heavily that she had to pull over, picking up her phone she dialed the only person she knew she could count on no matter what.

"Hey, dad I need you."

Quinn sniffled as she pushed out the words.

"I'm coming baby girl."


Quinn sat in her car on the side of the road she had been there crying uncontrollably for 10 minutes when she seen headlights illuminating through her car not even 10 seconds later her dad knocked on her car window she opened the door stepping out being pulled into her dad's embrace.

"It's okay baby girl, you and Avery will get through this, mom and I are here for you two."

Quinn settled a little more after hearing she had her parents behind her but she worried for her only son, They haven't even told Avery about the divorce he just thought his parents had a big fight and him and his mom were staying with his grandparents until they made back up.

"I know it's going to hurt him knowing that we won't be a family anymore."

Quinn said.

"He'll always be Avery's dad and you'll always be his mom it doesn't matter if you two are together or not."

Tori walked up to the pair she wanted to give them some time she knew her daughter was a daddy's girl and she knew Quinn needed time with her dad before she was ready for anyone else to enter the conversation.

"My beautiful girl, you are stronger then most women honey."

She said planting a kiss on Quinn's forehead.

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