Setting the Record

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It is important for all information to be remembered, that in both peace and in warm to remember why we fight. To some, those reasons are deeply philosophical, other times, they are rather foolish. The Republic's history of war and peace has been well documented, spanning millennia and across the galaxy. Most notibly, we are now in an era of peace, much online the subject of these logs.

These are the logs Exploration Corp Captain Zall Vort, Clone Commander Thyll of the 94th clone battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic, and later, Colonel Relbok of the 193rd Imperial Army Expeditionary force. The logs will be covering the near 50 year conflict on the world that is known as Heathmoor. There are documents that are going to include the accounts of several individuals, including those of the Knight Legions, Samurai Houses, Viking Raiding parties and Wu Lin Army Corps.

Let it be known that the world is undocumented, riding the edge of the Unknown Regions to the Galactic north beyond the reaches of the core. It was only discovered recently, some time before the Naboo Crisis, and played a minor role in the crisis as the attempts to introduce them to the wider galaxy was lead by Naboo itself.

It is to be noted of the interesting nature of this planet.

Firstly, this world is primitive, in a way that they do not have access to even early air travel. If the local lore keepers are to be believed, it is due to a phenomenon known as the Cataclysm, which happened over a millennium ago, which started a conflict between the various cultures. This event has lead to no development really occur beyond those directly connected to combat, and what existed before the event, however some speculation may be on part due to a strange phenomenon of the world's very make up that has made this difficult, which may come to light in due time.

Secondly, the inhabitants of this planet are diverse and each hold unique traits that each of the main groups. the first being the Knights, who have an honor system based on duty, oaths and doctrines based on religious texts. The second are known as Vikings, who have a system of honor based on those of combat, bravery and strength. There are the Samurai, who hold personal reputation, loyalty and artistry. Lastly, there is the Wu Lin, who are far from a solid presence in the main region, but not a notable one, define honor by their loyalty to their dynasty, and martial prowess. There are those from beyond the shores of Heathmoor

Thirdly, there are notable elements that can not be found beyond this world, notably Draconite, an element that gives off a unique power signature and output. This is a unique mineral with a crystalline appearance, through it is highly poisonous if particles are inhaled. I had hoped that Draconite could become a suitable source of fuel for the Republic.

With the this note out of the way, the interruptions will be a minimum, except to explain a term or topics. I will let this story begin.

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