Chapter 3

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Thatcher gasped, running frantically through the dark and menacing halls with a gun in hand. He hyperventilated from all the running - which he wasn't used to - and aggressively slammed a door shut behind himself, moving his desk in front of the door to be sure that thing didn't get to him. Thatcher backed up a bit, seeing the door being pounded by the thing behind it, obviously angry that it wasn't getting to its prey. But as suddenly as it started, it stopped, and the cop let out a sigh of relief.

As he was relaxing, a spider crawled out from the little slit under the door. Thatcher screamed at it, being an arachnophobe. The spider began to make creaking and breaking sounds, like bones snapping in front of him. The blonde cop stood there, frozen in horror and shock, as the spider became the thing he was running from in the halls.

Evelin sat at the front desk, bored, playing solitaire on the old computer. Suddenly, she heard the old cop shriek in horror. Fearing for the worst, Evelin ran towards his office. She became more uneasy as the lights flickered behind her, quietly turning off. Evelin turned towards the door, took a deep breath, and knocked. "Mr. Davis? Are you alright in there?" She called out. No response. The brunette tensed up, grabbing the door handle and jiggling it. Locked. "Shit..." She muttered, looking at the vastly more spooky hallway, pitch black and inviting to the spirits her ex always blabbered on about.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, memories of Adam flashed in her mind. Dates, some sexual tension scenes they had together, maybe some cuddling here and there. Evelin shook her head, swearing she had seen him in the darkness. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, and he was gone. Maybe she should've stuck to tea instead of coffee tonight...

Evelin walked anxiously to the front desk, beginning to drift off into sleep again. She checked the time. 2 AM. Would Thatcher care that she left? Maybe not. He could be tired, too. With her mind on other things, she looked back at the door, sighing. "It's been so silent ever since that scream. Hopefully, he's doing alright," Evelin thought to herself as she resumed the game she was previously in.

Thatcher sat there, wide-eyed at who he was looking at. It was a young man, no older than 20, in a pitch-black tuxedo and almost glowing white gloves. The red highlights of his rose pin, his bright red bow tie, and the rose tucked behind his ear were almost blinding in the dim office. The boy smiled, his teeth glistening in the darkness, offering a hand towards the blonde cop. He refused it, trying to get up by himself, but got forced down once again by the man. The face structure looked so similar to a case he had abandoned like all the others, but who was it? Thatcher couldn't put a finger on it.

While Thatcher was lost in his thoughts, the man spoke up. "Don't get up until I let you." He growled, with the old cop suddenly snapping out of his thoughts and looking up at the rose-covered man. "Thar's better," He smiled, "The name is Cesar. Cesar Torres. I'm sure you took in my case only to abandon it?" Cesar stepped away, checking his black nails while glancing over at the cop. Thatcher nodded, and Cesar continued. "I'm sure you know of us, hm? Are you perhaps..." He started, the sound of bones snapping and reforming in different places with the skin squelching and moving, making Thatcher's skin crawl, "Scared?"

Thatcher looked up in horror, staring at the disgusting spider features Cesar had. He had multiple eyes - all staring down at him - the legs - useful for slicing his limbs off one by one - the abdomen - glowing a menacing maroon underneath the suit - and the molars were like fangs in Cesar's teeth. Thatcher shivered, a chill going down his spine. "I knew you were an arachnophobe," He grinned, showing off his fangs to Thatcher, letting the poor cop get a good look at them before laughing hysterically. "It's always nice to scare little low-lives like you," He cooed, leaning forward to the blonde-haired cop and locking eyes with him, staying in that pose for a moment before backing off, "Why, Heathcliff didn't even last a CHANCE against me!" Cesar stated proudly, grinning from ear to ear while standing on the table still pressed against the door. Thatcher lay there, helpless, watching Cesar rant happily on how many people he had turned to "the better side."

Thatcher couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "More like a world of fear and paranoia for eternity." That's what made Cesar stop dead in the middle of his speech. The boy locked eyes with Thatcher, and his blood began to boil at the sound of this man's audacity. Suddenly, Cesar began to transform more, his legs switching more to a bug's and his hands morphing into those of a praying mantis. Cesar snarled, slamming his raptorial legs into the carpet (almost ripping it out) and leaning in close. "Say that again, I dare you," He whisper-screamed into Thatcher's face. Suddenly, both men looked towards the door. There was a scream that howled out on the other side.

It was Evelin! She grabbed a wrench and beat open the door - she slammed her whole body against the door to break it fully - which moved the table just enough so she could throw a wrench at Cesar. He dodged with no difficulty, and it almost hit Thatcher square in the face by just an inch above him. The old cop looked terrified. Sarah panted, her forehead matted with sweat, suddenly freezing at the sight of Cesar. In Sarah's eyes, he was a humanoid roach. Sure, not her worst fear, but it was up there.

She screamed, half in fear, half in shock, took out the pepper spray she always kept in her bag, and sprayed Cesar with it. He roared in pain, stumbling back, his form slipping back into one of a human. His extra eyes closed, much to Thatcher's relief; He felt uneasy just looking at them. Evelin hugged Thatcher, freeing him from the spiderwebs that tied him up - Huh? When did that even happen?? - and helping him stand. Cesar retreated back into the shadowed area of the room, red eyes glowing. Thatcher didn't look back as he fled with Evelin out of the police station.

Cesar took a while to recover, seeing a wispy figure in the corner of his eye. He sighed tiredly, transforming back into his "human" form. As the raven head put his arms on his shoulders and rested his forehead onto his arms, he called out, "Just come out, Mark, You're not good at hiding." Cesar couldn't help but smirk under his arms. Mark came out, his laughter echoing throughout the empty building. "Can't handle a lil' spice, bud?" Cesar snorted in response. "Ay, you pendejo, you know I could eat a ghost pepper with ease!" He yelled back and began to laugh along with Mark. Once the laughter died down, Mark sat beside Cesar and put an arm around him. Cesar smiled. "You know I can't touch you 'cause," He motioned to his translucent form, "Y'know. that." Mark blinked, processing this, and sighed. "Yeah yeah, I know. I've been trying to find my body for GOD knows how long, and-- What... What's that look in your eye?" Cesar's eyes lit up with an idea. He looked at Mark, starting to grin.

"I think I know how we can finally hug it out."

(Word count: 1,291)

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