Chapter 4

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Adam turned to look at Jonah. Adam looked a bit indifferent, staring through Jonah's ghost. He yanked his hood on and walked out of the van, passing through Jonah and getting a shiver. Jonah stared at Adam as the blonde boy spun around, checking around himself until Adam laid eyes on the AC. "Goddamnit, I knew it was too cold," He lamented to himself, walking out and closing the door with a SLAM!

Mark appeared again, glancing over at Jonah. The boys looked at each other, silently sitting against the van wall. Jonah stared at Mark, looking at his features. Mark had brownish-black hair, and his eyes had dark bags under them like he never slept in months. There was a black bar over one of his eyes and a few stitches under the bottom of the censored eye, as well as blood seeping down his forehead and chin. Did he get hurt in some way? Jonah wondered to himself, feeling a bit concerned.

Mark looked at Jonah, seeing his white (even invisible-looking) pupils and the glass shard sticking out just above his eye. The younger boy grimaced, and the tan boy took notice, chuckling nervously.

"Ah... hahaha," Jonah laughed nervously, still troubled over seeing Adam with eyes on his body, "D-did you... see Adam with the..?" Jonah broke eye contact, trailing off.

"Yeah." Mark nodded, breaking Jonah out of his trance as he continued, "You noticed the eyes too, didya?" The brunette asked, and Jonah nodded in response.

Mark let out a heavy sigh and shifted his weight, leaning farther against the cold, almost damp wall. His tired eyes closed as he tried to find a comfortable position. Jonah sat beside him, both of them enveloped in an uneasy silence, waiting for something, anything, to break the stillness. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, hanging like a heavy curtain in the air. The silence was so profound that Jonah's ears began to ring, and Mark appeared as though he had drifted off into sleep in that desolate place.

The tanned boy sat quietly in the corner of the van, seemingly blending out of the wall. Suddenly, the stitched-up boy opened an eye and shot a fierce glare.

"What is that kid gonna do...?"

Jonah frantically scanned the exterior of the van, desperately searching for any sign of his friend. However, the vehicle was eerily silent and devoid of any movement. An uneasy feeling began to gnaw at Jonah, even though as a spirit, he couldn't physically feel it. After what seemed like an eternity, he caught a glimpse of a figure in the forest, and, driven by a mix of fear and determination, he floated towards the mysterious shadow, eager to unravel the mystery.

[January 30th.]

Jonah's eyes widened, gasping softly.


The figure groaned, lying against the icy blanket coated with his red liquids.

[CASE 334.]

Mark heard Jonah's alarmed scream, quickly rushing over to where the sound was.


The second ghost stopped dead in his tracks, the censor over his eye revealing an ugly sight as he stood there in shock.

The two spectral figures gazed in horror as Adam lay there, shivering, tears streaming down his face, while a twisted grin contorted his features. The eye markings that had adorned his skin were now gone, replaced by a multitude of eyes all over his body, fixated on the two ghosts, seemingly shedding blood-red tears, causing a shudder to run down Jonah's spine.

What did Adam turn into?

(this one is a bit more... shorter, mostly because I wasn't that interested in this one, sorry y'all)

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