Chapter 4: Amber

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Hello! I haven't had my concert yet, but it's coming up! I figured I'd write this as a little celebration for Mikey being in the new movie All Souls (don't spoil, I haven't watched it yet). I hope you guys like this, and I hope you're all having a happy holiday season!

By the way, the main group is in their junior year of high school, they're sixteen years old. I had made them seventeen in the first chapter, (it didn't directly say it, but it said Liv was two years older than fifteen, and I wanted to change that). I thought I'd say that to fix any confusion if their ages are mentioned again and you remember the first chapter.

Also, sorry in advance since this is a pretty short chapter. I wanted to get something out for you guys, but I'm so tired lol.

        I wake up to a soft tap on my shoulder.

        I open my eyes slowly, trying to immortalize this heavy feeling of inertia, the feeling that makes me feel the most calm. I look up to see my brother smiling at me softly. I groan and push my face back into Toast's soft fur, pulling him closer to me.

        I try to say 'I'm tired,' but it comes out as a jumbled mess through my sluggish mouth and my cat's thick fur.

        Even through my headphones I can hear Tommy chuckle. I open my eyes again, looking at him over Toast's back as I break into a smile as well.

        "Are you going to come down for dinner, or should I bring it up for you?" he asks. His voice is muffled by my headphones, and I process his words slower through my half asleep brain.

        I lift my face up. "I'm not really hungry." The words come out clearer this time.

        He nods in understanding. "Okay. I'll bring it up for you, you don't have to eat it all, but I'd like for you to at least have a little bit. Deal?"

        I nod.

        "Pinky promise?" He holds out his pinky to me with a sly smile on his face. Ever since I was little we would do this. I had always told him that you can never break a pinky promise, not ever.

        I shake his pinky with mine.

        He smiles again and goes back downstairs, arriving soon after with a plate in his left hand and a glass of water in his right. I sit up to thank him as he puts the food on my desk.

        I rub my eyes and stand up, sitting at the desk. I take my headphones off, grabbing my wireless earbuds instead so I can listen to music and charge my headphones.

        Tommy ruffles my hair real quick before he makes his way to my bed, giving Toast a soft kiss on the head as he rubs the soft fur on his neck.

        I can hear him saying, "You're such a cute cat. You're so adorable, I love you so much." I look back to see him giving the cat a kiss on the head after each sentence. I laugh softly and Tommy sends a jokingly glaring look at me. I laugh louder. He breaks character, his mouth splitting into a bright smile.

        "Goodnight, Flops," he says. "I love you."

        "Night, Teddy. And I love you too." I send him an exaggerated air kiss. He mimes catching it, staring at his clenched fist for a moment in mock confusion before 'placing' the kiss in his sweatshirt pocket.

        I smile as he turns to walk out the door.

        I end up eating all the food on my plate.

*   *   *

I wake up to my alarm blaring. I barely even remember falling asleep.

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