Chapter 2: Amber

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I just wanted to ask that if you ever see something that I have esplained oddly, or something you aren't sure I totally understand, please let me know. I am 14, I haven't had a ton of experience with certain things, and I would appreciate being educated. Just try to refrain from being rude. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

The light from the sun burns my eyes as I walk into the courtyard, but I force myself to keep my head up. I scan the yard, looking for my friends. It takes me slightly longer with the sun blinding me and the heat beating me down, but I spot them soon enough.

I rub my eyes with my hands, effectively blocking the sun for a few precious moments. I make my legs move across the grass, dragging my feet more than normal. Normally, I love nature. The sounds and the colors, it usually calms me down. Today, though, the sounds are too loud and the colors too bright.

Everything is just too much

too much

too much.

I rub my eyes once more before I stop in front of the table the others are sitting at. I plaster a smile on my face as I clap Chad on the back. He turns around, capturing me in a tight hug. I hug him back awkwardly, my body feeling as if it's at battle, ready to retreat at a moment's notice.

"Amber, hey!" Chad bellows. "I've barely seen you all day!"

Too loud.

Reflexively, my hands bounce up to cover my ears, but I stop them before they can finish their journey.

"I did miss you at lunch," I say, planting a smirk on my face to cover up how done I am with everything. "You and Liv were too busy with Mr. Jameson. According to Liv at least." I try to cast a sarcastic tone to my voice, but I'm not sure how well I do.

He chuckles. "You're right, I guess."

Not very well.

Mindy hops down from where she was sitting on the nearest picnic table. "You guys ready to go?"

I nod encouragingly with a fake smile. I have the sudden urge to cover my ear again as Chad cheers and drags Liv quickly toward the sidewalk. I can see Liv laughing but I can barely hear it. They're at least thirty yards away now, and the sounds of nature are starting to over power them. The sharp singing of the birds in the rustling trees, the scuffle of my boots as I walk over to catch up to them. Mindy got ahead of me somehow, already halfway to her brother.

Did I stop? When did that happen?

I pick up my feet again, dragging them a little faster this time. I whip out my phone as I walk, typing up a quick message to my brother.


im gong out with liv chad and mindy


ill txt u when im on my way bak

I slip my phone back into a pocket of my cargo pants, focusing on the steady bump against my leg as I continue to walk forward. I'm closer to them now, but I think that's mainly because they've slowed down, waiting for me to catch up.

My phone buzzes against my thigh, and I take it out again, slightly uncomfortable at the weight off of my leg.


Okay! I can pick you up too.


Text me if you need anything.

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