Chapter 1: Unforeseen

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I only wanted to follow you, I admire you so much I didn't know what I was doing to my friends and me.

"Hey. Izana, promise you will find me no matter where we are" I asked as my last meeting with him. I was getting a new home an orphan dreams of.

"I promise" he gaved me a last hug as my new parents were guiding me to the car.

I wave at him one last time when the both of them disappear as the car started.

"You will love your new home, don't worry Mahiru" my mom said smiling.

"Yes, and you will have your own room" dad added.

"I'm glad" I smiled, happy but sad to leave them.

As my new life begin, I was wondering how it will go, will I get ice cream? Will I be loved

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As my new life begin, I was wondering how it will go, will I get ice cream? Will I be loved.

I was, for a whole month until the contract was confirmed, but after that happened, the aura around my parents changed.

"So, Mahiru I was thinking of teaching you taekwondo" my father said out of no where, I was confused why and what's the need of it.

"For self defence and y'know I do own a dojo place, I can also teach you taekwondo" he smiled brightly.

"I- umm I'm not sure if I'll be any good" I hesitate because I've never tried it before but I simply agreed.

"Yes I would like to try" I smiled back but his smile dropped.

"Okay, we'll start tomorrow"


At the dojo class there was this teacher who was supposed to teach me taekwondo, he was huge but had a kind personality.

He taught me slowly by basic and running daily, even tho I was exhausted I didn't want to disappoint my parents.

As months turned into day and into months.

After a year I was ready for my first match, to make my parents proud I didn't plan to lose.

"Players get ready" said the referee.

"Hai" we bow and got ready for the match, the match went on, it was terrifying since my opponent was a one time champion and I was just a rookie.

And guess what, I lost.

My father was disappointed, and I was disappointed at myself.

I trained the next 3 years continuously and participate on semi championship and illegal fights to get myself ready.

But it always felt like something was missing, atlast in the end of 2003, I was 12, ready to get back and win the championship.

When I entered the tournament, the terror from last time struck me, and my opponent was the same person from last time.

"So you came back" she said smiling.

"I had to"

We started the match and I won the first round, she won the second, the last round was most terrifying, and our score was different only by one point.

"30 seconds left" said the referee, I glanced at the time and saw that I hand to score 2 more point to beat her.

"I don't think so" she spoke, did she head what I was thinking.

"lets see" I approach her, kick after kick but none of us were able to win, I did a last second dodge and a high kick.

"Blue wins!" Everyone yell, I was panting and processing what was happening, just then the referee came holding both of our wrist.

"Blue wins" he one again announced holding my wrist high.

"Mom" I ran to my mom and master giving her a tight hug.

"You won, I'm so proud" my mom hugged me again.

We got home from the tournament, my dad seem upset and my mom seem sad, I didn't know why.

"Are you guys happy?" I asked.

"Happy?" My dad looked back.

"You took 3 years for training and practicing" he raised his voice "and yet you couldn't score more then equal then her"

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Shut up!" I flinched.

"Please honey, calm down, it's no use, the time and money we spend on her is just going to waste" my mom added giving me the most disgusted look.

"Sir" a man spoke entering from the door, he was wearing a suit.

"What?" He gesture something and left.

"Get lost" he yelled at me again as I ran inside my room crying.

"It's not like I was the one who told them to give me three years!" I cried for almost 2 hours and none of them cared.
My life was being controlled by them, every single mistake turned into punishment.

One night

I look at the time and it was almost for dinner but I had other plans, I wore my Jacket and jump out of the window.

I slowly walk to the Conner of the house so that my mom won't see me, I saw my dad was talking to a guy.

"Who was that? I need you to find him!!"

"Yes sir but he's asking for three million"

"I don't care! Even if threatens me I'm not gonna give him that kind of money"

I was still hiding but I didn't know what were they talking about, I saw my chance and ran off to another side of the street.

I left taekwondo after a year, I told my father i dont want to to do it anymore but he forced me, and when he thought I was useless both my parents became more distant from me.

They always talk about buisness and money, they had money and power and with money and power therefore comes enemy.

I took a rest at a place, it was a bridge, I look down at the water trying to catch my breath, just then I heard a lot of screaming.

"What's going on?" I look around and saw a lady running towards me.

"Help us" she beg, she was holding a baby.
"Please" she cried, her forehead was bleeding, and she had many bruises.

"Calm down, who's following you" I saw two dude on bikes.

"Hey!! Step aside whore, she's ours" one of guy got down and approach me.

"Please don't do this" I hid her behind me, she was telling me why they were following her.

"It's not nice to beat up a women with a baby" I turned to the lady "run as fast as you can I'll stop them, don't look back and hide somewhere I'll find you"

"Oi!" The guy got angry.

"Run!" I yelled as she begun to.

"Where do you think-" the guy almost hold the lady's coller but I stopped him.

I hold his hand "don't touch her!" I said and hit him on his face.

Kurai Tenjiku// Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now