An Introduction

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  Can fandoms be connected with each other?

  That's an easy question. There are many times through collaboration or through fan-made work where different fandoms meet up in a variety of ways.

  But how? Are all fandoms connected in one way or another?

  The first question could be answered by many people. It's surface level, a simple yes or no, The others, however, are not surface level or a yes or no question. It requires thought, and has the possibility to be controversial because of simply the fact that many people can see it differently due to many, many factors.

  This is my way of seeing it though :

  Fandoms are kind of like a multiverse of multiverses, millions of different ever-growing fandoms with their own canon, fanon, headcanons, etc etc.

  Honestly, fandoms are like an always-growing, gigantic tree. Many branches of types of fandoms that branch off into subtypes, then into fandoms, canon and fanon, and even stuff going down to individual headcanons.  There are also things like plot holes, this inspiration that the creators of these fandoms get, and parts of fandoms or fandoms that kind of died off or became very small and forgotten can fit into this concept as well.

  With that said, let's dive into this!

The Fandom Tree - A Multi-Fandom ConceptWhere stories live. Discover now