Main Group Chat Part 4

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A/N: sorry I've been dead anywyas here's a new part

alfalphamale_ripper💪: GUYS GUSYS GJSUYS HUSY

alfalphamale_ripper💪: wait did everyone go offline

chaseblogs🤯💯: everyone was active about 6 hours ago

alfalphamale_ripper💪: ughhrrr

alfalphamale_ripper💪: ANYWAYS I HAVE SOME AWESOME NEWS

chaseblogs🤯💯: what bro?!?

alfalphamale_ripper💪: IM A DAD!!!

chaseblogs🤯💯: omg does that mean I'm a dad too?!

priya!!💜: really?

milliebillie❤️: congratulations!

alfalphamale_ripper💪: oh now you guys are online 😒

milliebillie❤️: Sorry Ripper, we were busy

damiennn: Wait, you have a child?! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!!

alfalphamale_ripper💪: YUR


alfalphamale_ripper💪: his name is fart

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alfalphamale_ripper💪: his name is fart

damiennn: of course it is.

milliebillie❤️: wow

priya!!💜: Wait, isn't that the baby cassowary that you kicked during last season?

alfalphamale_ripper💪: uh yeah

alfalphamale_ripper💪: he followed me back to the ship when we left and he wouldn't go away so he's my child now

z: yooo u have a child too?



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