Volume I - Chapter III

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Red ichor streaked the cavern walls, each mark a testament to the swift and precise arcs of her blade. She danced through the chaos she had unleashed, her steps a symphony of poise and skill amidst the skirmish. Her movements were a mesmerizing display of lethal elegance, each swing a masterstroke of her impeccable techniques — one that left the so-called 'monsters' no chance to retaliate; they fell like leaves amidst a tempest, their attempts to assail her were met with nothing less than effortless parries and calculated strikes.
With a fluid motion, she took a step to the side and allowed a lizard almost twice her size to sail past her position. The beast's jaws snapped shut where she had stood just moments before, its weight and ferocity creating miniature tremors throughout the cavern floor. She spun on the balls of her feet, the hem of her dress fluttering in a phantom breeze as she executed a series of graceful maneuvers — the sword in her hand glinting with a golden edge. Her strikes landed true, carving clean lines through scales and sinew; the creature writhed in agony, a roar echoing off against the stone walls as its life force ebbed away in crimson torrents — the subtle swish of her blade the only sound in the eerie silence that followed.
'... these creatures... they are far weaker than what I remembered.' She brushed a strand of hair away from her visage, her expression unchanged by the conflict she had just navigated; with a flick of her wrist, she wiped the blade clean of any lingering traces, its surfaces reflecting the dim light filtering through the crevices. 'Still... for them to pose as a credible threat prior to the descent of the 'Gods'; it is hard to believe, isn't it?'
'It is as you say... although, we have yet to see the full extent of their abilities. I reckon that the deeper floor will provide for a much more formidable challenge.'
'Perhaps,' her gaze swept across the carnage she had wrought, the serenity in her eyes unflattering despite the blood and gore that surrounded her. 'I very much prefer not to lose my edge during our stay in this world.' She stepped over the fallen creatures, a familiar sound — so small that it was almost imperceptible — drawing her attention to the empty air by her side. 'Done with the scan?'
'Yes, Commander; while I will not deny that it would be better for us to gather a few more samples, these results will suffice for our preliminary analysis. As expected, the composition of their bodies aligns with the records in my database, albeit with some notable deviations. Regardless, they will undoubtedly provide us with invaluable insights that we can use to further our own researches.'
'Good news, then... nonetheless, please, remember not to push yourself too hard, Auria,' she reminded the AI, her tone filled with gentle concern. 'To take the time to relax and enjoy yourself is also a part of your duty...' A sigh escaped from her lips when her companion — once again — hesitate to either deny nor accept her request, the faintest hint of reluctance evident in her digital response; Shizuna's eyes flickered with a trace of amusement as she proceeded to glance at the two people hiding behind a corner, the faint rustle of their cloaks betraying their presence. 'Still, I am surprised that those two would persist even after so long. Truly... they must have a lot of free time on their hands.'
'... should we confront them?'
'Hmm... no, let us not disrupt their endeavor just yet; I'd like to see how long they intend to tail us.' She elaborated, her gaze meeting that of a novice adventurer as she walked — a smile making its way onto her face as she gave a polite nod in their direction. 'Besides, at the end of the day, their interest might reveal more than their words ever could... though I admit that I have my own- oh?'
The distant growls and guttural sounds of more creatures reached her ears, signaling the presence of another group ahead. In what appears to be a swift, choreographed dance, she began to wreak havoc; her sword whispered through the air, severing limbs and silencing their distorted cries. One by one, the 'monsters' fell, their grotesque forms collapsing into twisted heaps. She moved as if time itself bent to her will, her steps measured and deliberate amidst the onslaught that she orchestrated.
It ended as quickly as it had begun, leaving behind a scene of carnage... yet amidst the fallen creatures, not once did the red stains find purchase upon her pristine dress — she stood untouched by the crimson tide, her serene countenance a stark contrast against the turmoil that had unfolded moments before.
'As I was saying, I have my own suspicions regarding their motives... what's with the rumours of this 'Evilus' running around the city.' Her tone carried with it a hint of quiet contemplation, her eyes fixed on the distant silhouette of another hidden figure darting away from their vantage point. 'For now, I believe it would be best to let them observe our movement. Sooner or later, they will have no choice but to acknowledge the fact that we pose no threat to Orario.' She cast one last glance over her shoulder, orbs of amethyst settling upon the pairs of adventurers that decided to spectate with their mouths slightly agape — her posture radiating both the confidence and the calculated curiosity that mirrored her tranquil facade. 'Still, to think that the Dungeon would be this crowded at this time of the day... I suppose I should have expected something like this, considering the reported influx of activities in the recent years.'
Though it's not like she couldn't understand the reasoning behind their circumstances...
According to the information that she had managed to glean over the past few weeks, the upper floors of the Dungeon had always served as a training ground for aspiring adventurers. It was a place where newcomers could hone their skills and prepare themselves — ill-suited as it is — for the challenges that lay in the deeper recesses of the labyrinth. The fifth, sixth, and seventh floors, in particular, had long since become a crucial stepping stone for those seeking to advance further... and of course, while it does provide for a somewhat controlled environment for their growth, it is also an area where the line between safety and danger becomes incredibly thin.
All in all, an almost perfect place for beginners to learn, improve, and build up their experiences — one that would undoubtedly see the most action out of the entire dungeon... not that the recent measures taken by the Guild would help it any.
The past few weeks had seen the organization restricting access to the Dungeon, citing reasons that weren't disclosed to the general public... although, if she were to be fair, anyone observant enough would be able to see that the decision has something to do with rumours regarding Evilus. Still, the Guild's choice to limit entry into the Dungeon — thereby restricting access to the adventurer's precious source of income that is the magic stones — especially when it had ended up taking weeks instead of a few days, should have stirred a certain amount of discontent among them; that a riot had not erupted in response to such a decision did left the Guardian genuinely impressed.
'Credit where it is due, I suppose...'
'... uh... yes?' The AI faltered for but a moment, her digital mind trying to come up with a proper response to the non sequitour.
'Don't worry about it; I was merely thinking out loud.' She took a few seconds to memorize the map that appeared on the upper-left corner of her vision, her feet taking her deeper into the dungeon as she proceeded to weigh her options. 'Well... it's not like they can arrest us for showing a bit more skill than what was expected... at least, I don't think they could.'
'And... the Astraea Familia?'
'Hmm... while I myself prefer to keep a low profile, having their eyes on our person would be... unavoidable, I suppose, especially when they had already begun to suspect our presence from the moment we arrived in the city. Besides, based on the information that we had gathered so far, Astraea Familia is considered to be one of the top Familia in Orario. Anything they learned should, at most, be shared among their fellow top Familias, all of which we had prepared ourselves to handle should it ever become necessary.' Traces of photon began to manifest all around her, its particles dispersing with a single gesture of her hand — the distinct echoes of her heels harmonizing with the steady rhythm of her thoughts. 'Be that as it may, even I have to admit that I am uncomfortable with the idea of having so many adventurers serving as a firsthand witness to our capabilities.'
And speaking of adventurers...
"Ah... h-hello?" Came a tentative voice from her back; she turned with the grace of a swan, her expression serene as she regarded the group of adventurers torn between admiration and trepidation.
"Yes?" Her demeanor softened, her gaze gentle as she stole a glance towards the emblems — ones that echoed the insignias of the wheel of fortune — sewn onto their clothes. "Is there something I could help you with?"
The adventurers shuffled nervously, their eyes flickering between each other before one of them — a raven-haired young man, his countenance marked with an uncertain smile — took a step forward, his cheeks dusted pink as he struggled to meet her eyes.
"I-it's just... um, y-you see..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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