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AS THE MEMORIES PLAYED THROUGH HER MIND, Asuna watched the burgundy-haired descendant and Rui face off against one another

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AS THE MEMORIES PLAYED THROUGH HER MIND, Asuna watched the burgundy-haired descendant and Rui face off against one another. The shadows of the tree made her red eyes more prominent in the dark and soon enough, the burgundy haired boy noticed her presence.

"Another demon?!" the boy mumbled to himself, holding the sword defensively in front of him.

There sat a woman, legs dangling delicately from a high branch in the tree. She had a dangerous glint in her eye but somehow her scent differed from all the other demons he'd encountered. It was mild, similar in a way to Nezuko's, and had a sweet tinge to it.

It confused the boy greatly, but seeing as she wasn't currently hostile, the spider boy was of greater danger. It was then that he noticed the spider boy, who's name he learned to be Rui, also glancing up at the woman. It was odd, Rui's demeanor seemed to change immediately, almost as though he were suddenly ecstatic at her appearance.

"Nee-san," the spider demon smiled, "You're back?"

Tanjiro had figured out that the spider demon had some sort of unusual family going on in the forest, but they all had a similar red marking on their bodies. This demon, however, had no such markings and it was clear Rui revered her.

"It's been a long time," Asuna hummed, her voice alluring yet calm, "Your family has grown, hasn't it?"

"They all gathered here so I brought them in," Rui nodded, "But they're nothing like you, Nee-san. They're all weak and can't be my family when you're gone."

The corner of the princess' lip quirked up as she leaned onto a few of the shining threads. The female spider-turned demon seemed agitated from the comment, her fists balling up as a result.

"Naturally," Asuna laughed, "They're not worthy of such power. They can't change anything."

"I thought I was your sister!" the other demon griped, "I was the perfect old sister you wanted, wasn't I? Don't abandon me!"

"Shut up!"

Within a second, Rui had sent his hand full of threads across at the demon girl's face. The lower 5 had a scowl on his face, seemingly angry from her outburst. The demon girl's head had been severed from her body, along with the destruction of the trees standing behind her.

"Don't you dare assume you're better than her," he shouted angrily, "You're in the presence of a Goddess. You're trash. Nothing compared to my sister."


"Rui~" everyone glanced up at the voice above, entranced at her figure. The demon princess had assumed a position of utmost regality as she dangled effortlessly from the shining white threads.

Her legs intertwined with the layers of silk, holding her torso loosely below. Her hair fell past her shoulders, blowing freely through the forest breeze as her hands played with the individual threads.

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