Chapter 8

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( Scarlets POV )

We were in our ship counting the credits Dass paid us. The team wasn't happy. I wasn't happy. But we got our score and it was better than nothing.

"I feel like I just got tricked" Lester yelled!

"Well at least we got payed boys. So take your share and deal with it" Dawn replied to them.

I reached to grab my share until Viper stopped me by slapping my hand away. He glared at me with his reptilian eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?!!"

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm collecting my share" I said in an annoyed tone. The Trandoshan chuckled with a combination of humor and anger.

"Share? Ha ha your fair share, IS NOTHING!" My mouth opened and my fists tightened.

"WHAT! Why!? I worked hard to get this score the same as all of you!"

"YOUR THE REASON THAT WE DIDN'T GET THE FULL SHARE OF CREDITS. If you had not compromised the mission and alerted security, we would have made it out with the entire crate of Beskar!"

Dawn suddenly stepped in and tried to defend me.

"That maybe true but without Scarlets talents and techniques we never would have even gotten the Beskar to begin with...."

"QUIET DAWN!!!! I've put up with your stupidity and your rebellious behavior for too long Scarlet. Well no more. As of now, you will not receive a single part of this share. If you want credits then you can try selling your body for other peoples pleasure. I'm sure they'd get a kick to sleep with you!"

"You're about to become a DEAD CORPSE WHEN IM THROUGH WITH YOU!" I took out my knife as did Viper, and we were about to dial in hand to hand combat when a blaster went off.

We stopped and turned our heads to see Dawn with her blaster in hand, aimed directly at the roof. After putting it back in her holster she came to me.

"Scarlet....violence is not gonna get you want you want. Please, just step outside and cool off."

"Cutting his throat is the best way for me to COOL OFF" I spat while glaring at the red lizard.

"I would love to SEE YOU TRY!"

"ENOUGH!! Scarlet please......just let it go. We will figure this out, but right now you need to calm down......Please." Dawn looked at me with her beggars eyes into mine which were at the moment burning with rage.

I looked to Viper and back to her. After staying silent for a minute I shoved my knife back in my belt and stormed out of the room, and made my way towards the exit of the ship.


I found a bar in district 7 where I sat at a counter-placing my head in between my arms. All that hard work GONE, down the drain. For what..... all because I made a mistake?

I've made many mistakes that cost me something but this really was the last straw for me.

The bar tender asked me if I wanted a drink. But I told him that I was good. Until suddenly a pile of credits dropped in front of me. It startled me at first and then I looked up to see Dawn.

"She'll have Laxo Con." (Lack-Sue-Con)

The bartender nodded his head and started making my drink. I was completely confused and at first wouldn't except the credits she gave to me. Turns out, she snuck in an extra amount of credits to give to me. While collecting her share she was also collecting mine!

"Why would you do that? You don't owe me anything" I asked.

"Viper may be the leader of our team. But that doesn't give him the right to starve with no credits. The rest of your share is here in my backpack."

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