youtube death?

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dear diary,
ive been watching YouTube for the past few hours xd. There is honestly so much stupid and interesting content on there so many different concepts and ideas in so many different individuals with different looks and talents. Some just have a fun vibe some have crazy talents and some have really great knowledge. It's kind of fun scrolling, through all the different kinds of YouTubers. I did the same with twitch streamers a few years ago. This really gives me a déjà vu. Only that streamers are a lot more chaotic and random than YouTubers but that's obviously because everything is happening live, so there isn't much to plan or a cut no editing it's kind of raw. Personally I like both, but a lot of people might like one of the two more than the other, because on one side, streamers, have a more raw look and chatty feeling, but YouTubers have a more entertaining and thought out content. I like one more than the other on some occasions but overall I enjoy both really. I like YouTube a lot more today. My attention span is kind of low at the moment so it's more entertaining for me but on some days I just want to watch a nine hour long stream. i didn't do anything today... i was rotting in bed again. I watched a lot more youtube, most about music production and philosophy as well as some theories and cat videos also a variety of conspiracy theories kind of interesting but I've seen a lot of that in the past two years and people just talk about the same things over and over again so it's also kind of boring. Though there are a few YouTube channels that actually do great research for information and work on their content for months at a time those channels I really support. There isn't as much funny cat content as a few years ago anymore, kind of sad about it the cat videos just keep repeating in every video because nobody has fresh content. of course people will take ideas from others, and do them as well, or change them up a little, and then make that their video but sometimes it seems like people are running out of ideas, and keep repeating others work and not being individual or special in any kind of way of course those Youtubers can be entertaining as well but if you see a video of example a 10 times from different Youtubers, and example B one time from one YouTuber, then you're probably more interested to see example b another time, then example a I don't know if that made sense, but I can't explain it better. I think you could also just say that at some point we're naturally going to get tired of the same thing over and over again so new ideas, spark more interest, which is obvious! But because people stopped trying to think of new ideas YouTube these days is kind of boring. You really have to go look for something when you  want something. which is honestly kind of annoying. having to scroll through your feed for minutes before you find something you're kind of interested in but then it turns out to be boring like everything else. I don't really see the point i'm trying to make here myself, but this is kind of bothering me since YouTube used to be such a creative and interesting place and now it has become a copy paste streaming site with no original Contant. it's kind of sad seeing a popular side like that go down the drain maybe people will start taking it more serious but if not, other streaming sites will overpower YouTube one day of course it's not that extreme at the moment, but I could imagine YouTube dying out someday and being replaced which is of course going to happen with everything at some point, but YouTube has been around for quite a while and has been holding up pretty good so it's sad that YouTube is turning out to be like this. A lot more streamers have also started streaming on YouTube and not on Twitch or other streaming sites so there's a lot more live streaming content on there as well...what am I even saying here? It's just YouTube lol soz !

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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