Ofcole 2

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Ofcole's POV

I was testing every day to see if I was pregnant.... nothing had happened yet. And I knew if i wasn't pregnant my period would be starting soon. The commander's wife was getting frustrated. She wanted an answer and she wanted me to be pregnant so desperately.

Each day I was walking with Ofsam I was getting closer with her. She was such a sweet girl and she seemed a bit stuck on the ways of how the world used to be. She had said she was struggling with her ceremony sessions. She had said she was enjoying them far too much.

As another day dawned, I couldn't shake off the growing sense of unease and heaviness that consumed me. My head ached as I tossed and turned throughout the night, tormented by the thought of the commander's wife, her invisible hands wrapped firmly around my throat. I knew she wouldn't let go until she had what she wanted, and regret pulled at my heartstrings every time her emerald eyes narrowed at me questioningly. But deep down, I feared that even if I did manage to give her what she so desperately craved, it still wouldn't be enough.

Breakfast had always been an awkward affair in our home, and today was no different. The clinking of silverware against china was the sole soundtrack to a theater of discomfort. The commander's wife cast sidelong glances my way - whether they were hopeful or accusatory was hard to discern. My own plate of food sat untouched in front of me; I had lost all appetite for its bland colors and textures.

I decided to reach out to Ofsam during our morning walk for support, taking solace in her presence. We strolled together through the park, our heavy crimson robes billowing around us like scarlet sails on a stormy sea. I asked Ofsam if she'd gone through anything similar - prior experiences or advice she could provide me with panic-stricken eyes over our hollow whispers.

She hesitated for a moment before answering. Her voice was barely audible as she recounted how once upon a time, her life as well had teetered on the edge of catastrophe.

"Ofcole," Ofsam whispered tentatively, "Before everything changed and our world became what it is now, I too was under immense pressure." She stared at the ground as tears collected at the corners of her eyes. "The family before mine treated me terribly; they abused me both mentally and physically. And I almost cracked under that pressure."

Her confession left me momentarily speechless, a wave of empathy washing over me. In those moments, I realized that the women sharing this life with me were not my rivals or my enemies but instead, sisters, bound together by the cruel hands of a society we did not choose to be a part of.

I clasped her hand gently, feeling the bond between us strengthen. Through our shared pain and understanding, we discovered an unspoken camaraderie that assured us we were not alone in our struggles. We continued our walk in companionable silence, each pondering the events that had brought us to this point.

As the day wore on, Ofsam's words lingered in my mind. I wondered if there was some way I could help her find solace. The ceremony sessions she engaged in were clearly taking their toll, further ravaging her already fragile psyche – and it was clear that she didn't find them enjoyable, despite her earlier claims. Her eyes told a different story; one brimming with pain and shame.

The hours passed slowly as I tended to my duties, the commander's wife never straying far from the forefront of my thoughts. Her icy demeanor chilled me to the bone, even in my briefest encounters with her. Despite my best efforts to win her over or buy more time for myself, I knew that one way or another, judgment day was quickly approaching.

As dusk settled like a thick blanket over the claustrophobic household, I prepared for bed with quiet resignation. I caught sight of myself in the mirror - a fragile girl burdened by insurmountable expectation - and felt a tear trickle down my cheek. That night, sleep eluded me once more as I wrestled with anxiety and self-doubt.

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