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When you opened your eyes, you were in a car.

Your car. And everything was set alight with pain, and your fingers sparked and twitched with every shot of red hot sting that coursed through them, rhythmically gripping the wheel tighter. The wheel was warped, something hot and sticky was dripping- no, flowing down your neck.

You released the wheel, biting your tongue to keep from crying out at the sharp stabbing feeling in your wrists, and reached back. You had a feeling you knew what it was, but it was better to be sure- and you saw you were right when your hand came away from your neck covered with blood, dripping with it. It was still hot outside. It was hotter inside, as you were suddenly made aware, because you focused just past the wheel and saw roaring flames erupting from the engine. Seeing it made you realize just how hellish the inside of the car was.

Oh. You were stuck. Your legs were both crushed, you couldn't move-

Your sister. Oh my god, your sister. In a sharp moment of clarity, you glanced over at your sister, certain you wouldn't like what you saw. You were actually pleasantly surprised on that front though.

She wasn't in the car. The door was open. She was off to the side, spitting blood into the gravel. Oh, thank god.

You opened your mouth to call out to her. Blood spilled past your lips, then a tooth, and you couldn't even make a sound because the very thought of it made your throat burn.

You were fairly certain multiple of your ribs were broken. Your breathing was ragged and painful. It hurt to inhale.

Things were beginning to go cold around the edges. A little fuzzy.

Maybe all that you'd experienced this past week- maybe that was what happened when someone's life flashed before your eyes. Not a life you'd already had, but a new one where you could try again.


The sky was beautiful- what you could see above the flames that licked up as high as they could, leaving a searing feeling beneath your skin. The stars were out and the moon was full.

Full? Had the moon been full that night?

Your eyes shot open and you bolted into a sitting position, breathing hard. The sheets had been soaked through with cold sweat.

You were alone.

Not in a burning car on the side of the road. Not spitting blood and teeth out of your mouth, not losing feeling in your fingers. Nothing was broken. Your pain was about as bad as it had been for the past week- not as bad as the flare up, luckily. Manageable.

It was just a nightmare, you assured yourself, even though your heart was pounding and tears pricked your eyes.

Why were you even crying? That didn't even happen. Dazai had told you it didn't happen, that your entire life hadn't really happened-

But then he turned around and said it was real because you felt it was real. So you weren't sure anymore.

Before you could stop yourself, you slid out of bed and out of your room. Your slippered feet padded gently down the hall, and you stopped in front of Dazai's room.

You hesitated.

He was asleep, you tried to reason with yourself. You shouldn't wake him up for something so childish, even if sleeping alone tonight would be impossible. He didn't need to deal with you being immature too-

The door swung open before you could even knock, and his eyes locked onto you. He paused.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, voice rough with sleep.

There goes a day | Dazai x m! readerWhere stories live. Discover now