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Today was shaping up to be a bad day already, and it had only started an hour ago.

You had woken up to a pounding headache. Almost worse, you had forgotten you weren't in Dazai's apartment and bumped into a wall as you tried to find your bathroom. Pain meds hadn't touched the headache- a migraine, more specifically- and you were just glad it hadn't come with nausea. (Though, evidently, you had the light and sound sensitivity, given the way all the lights were off and it was still too fucking bright in your room.)

Whatever, you'd live. You changed into clothes nice enough for the dress code- Chuuya had to help you with nicer clothes like this, it wasn't your vibe- and chose to skip breakfast. It wouldn't be the end of the world.

You fumbled with your phone, clumsily navigating to Chuuya's contact. Your fingers didn't want to work this morning, it seemed- you could hardly feel them, and moving them with any dexterity was a serious chore, but not impossible. It was a bit earlier than you wanted to be leaving the apartment, but oh well. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hey, so Sleeping Beauty awakens," he teased you, even though he also had clearly just woken up.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" you asked. You had only just met him, technically speaking. You didn't want to make a bad impression. (Of course, logically, you knew that you and Chuuya had a previously established relationship- one that you just so happened not to remember. That did little to assuage the 'new person' anxiety swirling in your chest.)

"Nah, I was awake already. If only barely. Why are you calling so early in the morning?"

"Wondering how soon you were planning to head in," you told him as you tried to mill about and ignore the pain in your head. He hummed. "Wanted to get a jump on today's work. And I've got a killer migraine. It woke me up."

"And your first instinct was to call and annoy me?" he asked, and you registered the sound of moving fabric on his end. You made a faux noise of offense.

"I, frankly, am offended that you think I ever strive to annoy you, Nakahara Chuuya," you said simply. He scoffed, but you could practically see his expression. (He had this habit of softening his eyes when he wanted to appear annoyed but wasn't. It was easy to see. He'd done it many times that first night he was teaching you to write.) "I don't have to try. It comes as naturally as breathing to me."

"We've got a few hours, y'know," Chuuya mumbled, ignoring what you said. "We can probably go and get you some over-the-counter pain meds, if you don't have any already."

"I tried that already," you said. "Didn't help. And I've had this, like, numbness in my fingers too, it's weird as hell, I dunno what's up with that. Between that and this sort of impending sense of doom, I'm not doing too hot." Chuuya cursed loudly, and you heard him immediately fumble with his keys.

"Shit, okay, sounds like Oracle of Delphi is gonna do its thing," he said. "I'll be right over. I'm assuming you haven't had any visions since...?" Chuuya didn't finish his sentence, but you knew what he was getting at- what he meant by since. Since your memories got replaced, since you woke up at the ADA.

"No," you said. "Dude, do all of them come with this bullshit?"

"The ones I've seen," he responded. You groaned and he laughed- not at your misfortune, you hoped, but your reaction. "For now, just take it easy. Drink some water or something."

"Sorry for making you deal with this. If I could force myself to get behind the wheel, I'd just drive myself to work and this wouldn't be a big deal-"

"Nope, shut up," Chuuya cut you off. "You shouldn't be driving by yourself anyway. Given the, ah... nature of your Ability."

There goes a day | Dazai x m! readerWhere stories live. Discover now