9 ;; sweet

965 16 6

' do you really think im cute?
honesty looks good on you ,
sweet - teezo touchdown , fousheé

[ irl , text ]

Adrianna woke up in a bed she didn't remember falling asleep in. She didn't really remember a lot of what happened the night before, but, she did remember that her and Dylan were back together and that she was most likely in his bed.

The duo broke apart, making eye contact and smiling at each other. "So.. what are we now?" Adri asked, her eyes fluttering from Dylan's lips back up to his eyes. "Its up to you." Dylan answered, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, as long as you don't 'accidentally' kiss any more girls, i'll try again with you." Adri answered truthfully, interlocking her and Dylan's hands. The boy looked down and then lifted his head back up, smiling. "Will you be my girlfriend, Adrianna Alvarez?" "I'd want nothing more in the world." The duo said before Adri put her arms around Dylan's neck, pulling him in for another kiss.

She also remembered everyone else that was supposed to come "coincidentally" bailed.

hi guys sorry i have to take care of my little sister

zlawg does NAWT have a little sister😭🙏🏼
but my mom last minute said i couldnt come

sun sunnn☀️🤍
my parents arent here so no oen can drive me and its a 1 hour walk😔

the better dylan😋🤍
my parents said i have to take care of my pets😢

i ahve a late night filming sesh i actually forgot about im so sorry ☹️☹️

literally just checked my temp and its 107.63 what the fuck
i dont wanna get worse or get u guys sick sorry😔

so its gonna be just me and dylan
aw mannnn im gonna miss you guys😞😞

the better dylan😋🤍
im gonna miss you too dri bhut u guys can have fun without us!!
dylan🙄 hearted this message

smh we got blankets and snacks and allat
even got a movie
ok we gonna watch a movie bye guyzzzzz

says who?

uhm says me

ok ok shut up lovebirds go make out
adri💁‍♀️ and dylan🙄 laughed at this message

shut up.

Adrianna finally mustered up the energy to try and get out of the bed, almost instantly being pulled back down. She turned around, looking at Dylan who was 'fast asleep.' Slowly turning her head back around, she tried to get up again, only to fail a second time. "Dylan!" She yelled, making the boy burst out laughing. Adri huffed and got out of the bed, walking downstairs and making herself a bowl of froot loops.

"Ok, ok! Im sorry! Im sorry." The boy yelled, running after the girl. "You better be." She muttered, putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. "What'd you say?" Dylan giggled, tilting his head and walking clsoer to Adri. "I said-" Dylan placed his lips on Adri's, putting his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him, closing any space between the couple.

After a few minutes of making out, Adri finally pulled away from Dylan, lightly pushing him away from her. "You're nasty, it's 9 in the morning!" She joked, putting another spoonful in her mouth. "But aint chu kiss back?" Dylan giggled, walking behind Adrianna and putting his arms around the front of her waist, putting his head on her shoulder. "Nah, that wasn't me." She deadpanned, swallowing her food. "Mhmmm.." Dylan murmured, starting to kiss Adri's neck.

dd's corner
fuck them fro being cute


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