A whisper of his name (part 2)

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I'm sorry for the wait you guys, but part 2 is finally done! I hope you guys like it and I hope the steamy part is well written since I don't have much experience writing steamy scenes! Enjoy and if you have any ideas or inspiration for other one shots let me know! ;)

As he made his way up the stairs to the apartment, his confidence started unraveling. He wasn't the type of person to get nervous or anxious, years of work and the harsh reality of his life made him someone who was usually confident and stoic. So, to find himself standing in front of the door to his apartment, with his hands shaking as he pushed the key in, was surprising. Farah's ability to make him feel new emotions he had never felt before was never ending as it seemed. Slowly opening the door, he tried to enter the house as quietly as he could. He didn't want to risk waking Kerimsah up, and a part of him didn't want Farah to hear he had come home. Climbing the stairs as quietly as he could, he started second guessing his decision to come. No matter how much he desired her and wanted to love her right now, they still hadn't resolved their issues. Besides, he wanted to do this right. Wanted her to feel safe and comfortable with him, wanted to cherish her body and mind at the same time. None of that could happen until they got over the hurdle that had appeared before them. Coming to the top of the stairs, he adjusted his pants and took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. As he came in front of Kerimsah's room, he looked at him soundly sleeping, cuddling one of the teddies he had bought for the room. His heart softened at the sight. For the first time in his life, he felt what resembled a family and a part of him hoped they would become a real family in the future. That he would be Kerimsah's dad, provide him with all the things he never got as a child. He already loved him like he was his own son and would do anything in the world to protect him. His eyes watered as he thought about the possibility of being Kerimsah's dad, at the thought of him calling him "baba". Reaching his hand out, he put it on the door of his room. Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear the door of his room open, so when he felt a hand on his shoulder, his instinct kicked in and he pushed the person against the wall. Farah's deep brown eyes stared up at him, startled at his reaction. Through the shock in her stare, he could see a glimpse of something else in her eyes, though he couldn't quite read what it was. "Tahir, it's okay, it's just me" her hands soothed along his shoulders as she spoke. "Farah... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just got startled and reacted on instinct..." she smiled softly at him. "It's okay Tahir, you didn't scare me don't worry" her eyes sparkled as she said that, and he realized the position they were in. Her back was pressed against the wall with one of his hands on her back and the other above her making him hover above her. His chest was pressed against hers, and their legs had somehow got tangled up together. Feeling her so close to him and breathing in her scent felt like heaven. He closed his eyes leaning forward a bit, which made his growing erection push into her stomach. Farah let out a small gasp and her grip on his shoulders tightened. Realizing the position they were in he tried to move away, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, but to his surprise her hands held him in place. Her body pressed against his as she leaned in making their foreheads touch. His breath hitched as one of her hands made its way around his neck, scratching through the hair on the back of his neck. "Farah..." he breathed out, unable to get any other words out. "Tahir..." her own breathless voice made him almost go weak in the knees. God, he needed her so badly, but he knew it couldn't be now. "Farah, please...." his pleading voice made her open her eyes and look at him. She could tell the effect she had on him, on his body. A small blush crept up on her cheeks as she felt him against her stomach. She didn't know what drew her to throw herself at him the way she did. She'd never acted so brazenly the way she had been this whole evening. Though Tahir seemed to have that effect on her, making her lose all sense of control. Savoring his proximity for just a moment longer, she began to let go of the hold on his shoulders and moved down so their bodies were no longer touching. Seeing him take a deep breath and adjust his pants made her miss the contact already. "We need to talk" she could tell he was nervous by the way he pulled on his turtleneck and tried to hide his gaze. Nodding, she sighed and lowered her head. She didn't want to talk, she didn't know how to make it up to him for the way she hurt him. Feeling his hand take hers, she looked up at him. His soft smile and the warm look in his eyes reassuring her to not worry as if he knew what she was thinking. He tugged on her hand gently, leading her to the bedroom and closing the door behind them. Sitting down on the bed, he still held her hand in his and looked her in the eyes. The air between them was buzzing with tension as she remembered what she was doing in this bed, mere minutes before she heard Tahir come home. She blushed, trying to hide her stare, not wanting him to catch onto her secret. Afraid he might've overstepped with holding her hand, Tahir was about to move his hand from hers, but her hand held on, not letting go. Looking up at him, she stared deep into his brown eyes. "Let me talk first Tahir. Please" he nodded as her hold on his hand tightened. "Tahir, I'm so sorry. For the words I said, for lying to you, for breaking your trust... I know my apology may not mean anything right now, but you need to know how truly sorry I am, I never wanted it to be this way..." his head lowered, and her eyes filled with tears as she continued. "Tahir, please don't hide yourself from me. Please, let me in again, don't let me stand outside the walls you are trying to build up again" he looked up and the tears falling down his cheeks broke her heart. "If you don't want me to hide myself from you, then why are you running from me Farah?" she looked away unable to look into his eyes that held so much hurt. She could feel his hand slip away from hers mirroring the feeling of him slipping away from her. Catching his hand, she looked back at him and moved closer. "Tahir..." he looked at their intertwined hands then back at her. She tried to get the words out, but nothing came out as she sighed. "You can't give me an answer.... I'll give you mine then. Do you know why I hide myself from you?" fighting back her tears, she shook her head. "You once called me a monster, and you were right. I have to hide myself from you because I need to keep you safe. I can't let my darkness dim your light" her tears started blurring her vision as she desperately shook her head. "You are not a monster Tahir, what I said back then isn't true, I..." he dropped her hand and stood up abruptly, interrupting her. "I am a monster, Farah. Don't you see that everything I touch gets ruined?" her words cut him deeper than she could ever imagine, and it broke her inside. "So, I understand now why you don't want me next to you, why you don't want to let me in" standing up, she moved as close to him as she could without their bodies touching. "Stop that right now, Tahir! You are not a monster, and I am not afraid of your darkness, and I'll be damned if you ever think that way again!" Tahir raised his eyebrow at the fiery look in her eyes and her demanding voice. "How could you ever think that? I asked you to choose us, to choose me Tahir. How could you think I don't want you with me?" he took a deep breath and willed the tears in his eyes not to fall. "Because you keep running away Farah! You keep pushing me away when all I want to do is be next to you! If you're not afraid of my darkness, what are you so afraid of then?" his raised voice shook her, and she finally let the words come out. "I am afraid of your light Tahir! All my life I've been all alone, forced to take care of myself and then my son. My own darkness consumed me, and I never thought I would find a way out. Then you came along, and your light started leading me through the tunnels. An unfamiliar path that I was scared of Tahir. I am scared of what your light could do to me..." her raised voice turned into almost a whisper as she said the last words. She dropped her head, afraid to see the look in his eyes. Feeling a soft pair of fingers reach underneath her chin and tilt her head upwards, she found herself staring deep into his brown eyes. Her breath hitched in her throat as she saw a soft smile forming on his face. "My light? You think I have a light inside me?" she lifted her hand and softly touched his cheek. "Tahir, not only do you have it inside of you, but it's also becoming so bright that you can see it everywhere around you. Your light is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen..." pulling her body against his, one of his hands wrapped around her waist as the other came to rest on her cheek. "Farah, your light saved me from the darkness. The path was unfamiliar and scary, but your light got me through it. My light is your light Farah, we are one..." he wiped away the tears that started falling, the feeling of his soft touch enough to make her feel dizzy. "We will figure it all out together, our light will guide us through it all. Just please talk to me, tell me everything that bothers your beautiful mind. You don't have to go through this alone anymore, I am here. I am with you and I'm not going to leave Farah. Unless you ask me to leave..." before he could finish his sentence, he felt a pair of soft lips on his. Returning her kiss, his hold on her tightened, not ever wanting to let her go. Her mouth opened slightly letting him taste her. His whole body felt like it was on fire, the warmth cascading through his whole body. Breaking apart, they leaned against each other, their foreheads touching. Her small hand reached around his neck holding him close to her. "Together, we'll figure it out together. Light my way, Tahir" his hands held her cheeks as he placed a soft kiss on her head. "Together, aşkım" she looked up at him, her eyes shining as she smiled at his use of words. Leaning in she kissed him again. The kiss started out soft, but when Tahir lightly bit her lower lip and his tongue entered her mouth, something woke up inside her. She moaned and pushed her body against his, as her hands tangled in his hair. His hands came down from her waist to squeeze her bottom. Pulling her close enough to let her feel his growing erection, one of his hands came up to tangle inside her hair and pull on it slightly. Hearing her moan at that, his confidence grew. Feeling him hard against her she slowly grinded against him, letting him know she wanted more, needed more. Feeling his hands guide her to the bed, she sat down watching him take of his jacket before he sat down next to her. Moving her hair from her neck, he placed a soft kiss there and when she shuddered, he lightly bit her neck, kissing the place to soothe the sting. One of his hands softly moved up and down her thigh as he continued kissing her neck. Her hands pulled on his hair as he heard her moan. "Tahir..." he smiled against her neck at her breathless voice. Her hands found the hem of his shirt and made their way underneath it. The feel of her soft hands against his skin made him feel unlike he had ever felt before. Seeing him close his eye and breathe out on her neck, Farah felt herself become braver as she pushed his shirt over his head. Licking her lips, she looked at him, reaching out to touch his chest. Feeling his soft skin underneath her fingers, she traveled lower, reaching his pants. Looking up at him, her fingers grazed over his erection, and he threw his head back, letting out a moan. Her nipples hardened and strained against her shirt at the sound of his moan. His eyes were dark with desire as he pushed her down onto the bed, climbing on top of her. His hands found their way under her shirt and when his fingers softly touched her breasts, she swore she could explode. As he took her shirt off, he slowly started kissing her. First on her lips, then on her cheeks, her nose and all over her face, making her giggle. His lips traveled down her neck to her breast. While one of his hands teased her nipple, he took her other breast in her mouth, grazing his teeth over her nipple. She moaned and held his head close to her chest. The heat started spreading through her body as she grinded against his leg that was in between her leg, needing friction. He was so slow as he took his time on both of her breasts, making her dizzy with need for more as she writhed underneath him. Giving both of her breasts a soft kiss, he continued his path downwards and when he kissed her hip bone and looked up at her, she felt herself become even more wet. His fingers hooked under her shorts, and she lifted her hips, helping him get them off her. As he slowly kissed his way up her legs, she felt herself becoming more and more impatient. Coming in between her legs, he looked up at her, a question in his eyes. "Tahir... please" her voice came out as a whine, and she saw him smirk before his fingers hooked under her underwear and removed it as well. Seeing her wet and glistening for him, he smiled as he breathed in her scent. His nose grazing along her lips and feeling her lift her hips, trying to find pleasure. Taking one last breath, he licked her all the way up and heard her moan. Continuing to explore her, his tongue found her clit and as he sucked on it, he felt her legs close around his head. Flicking his tongue against her clit, he entered her with one finger, feeling her wet warmth. Her moans intensified and became louder the more he pushed in and out. Pushing in a second finger, he felt her walls close around him more and more each time he pushed inside her. Her legs began to shake as his tongue started working faster on her clit and as his fingers curled inside her, hitting her spot. "Tahir, please don't stop. Oh, God. You feel so good, so much better than the dream" her fingers tangled in his hair and her legs wrapped around his head, holding him in place. He smirked against her as he continued licking her, but he saved the knowledge that she had a dirty dream about him for later. Feeling her walls close around his fingers, he knew she was getting close. His tongue started flicking up and down her clit in a fast pace and his fingers kept curling inside her harder and harder. Farah felt something coming, she felt it deep in her lower belly as her legs started to shake and she couldn't lay still anymore. "Tahir, oh God, Tahir" she screamed his name as her walls closed around him and something exploded inside her, spreading through her whole body. Her body stilled and her back came off the mattress and a loud moan filled the room. Tahir didn't let up though, licking and pushing into her until he felt her body come down from the high. Slowly removing his fingers, he looked up at her and the sight in front of him made his heart soar. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair a wild mane spread out all over the pillow. Her chest heaving and her breasts coming up and down with each erratic breath she took. Opening her eyes, she saw him looking at her and instead of a hungry gaze she was expecting, she saw a warm look full of love. Her heart flutter as she guided him up with her hands. When he was on top of her, she held his face in her hands as she kissed him softly, trying to make him feel all her feelings through her kiss. The kiss was slow and full of emotion as she felt him smile against her lips. A soft smile broke out on her own face as they parted, and he stared deep into her eyes. "Tahir, I need all of you. Make love to me tek aşkım" no more words were needed, as she helped him slide his pants and underwear down his legs. Taking a moment to admire his hard length, she blushed at seeing he was well endowed. Laying on top of her he kissed her softly and she could feel his hardness against her thigh. She moaned into his mouth, her hands holding onto his back. Feeling him glide against her wetness, she arched her back off the bed, wanting him inside her. His tip pushed in slowly, letting her get used to him. She moaned and pushed her hips forward, helping him enter her. He slowly eased in and out of her until he was fully inside her. Being sheathed inside her almost brought him to tears as he finally felt complete for the first time in his life. "You complete me Farah, do you feel how well we fit together?" he could see her eyes tear up as one of her hands came up touched his chest over his heart. "Your soul completes my soul and now your body does too. We are now one truly Tahir" he kissed her tears away as he started moving slowly, pushing in and out, a tiny bit at a time. As much as he wanted this to last forever, to never leave her body he couldn't control his body as he heard her soft moans. He sped his pace up a bit as her legs enclosed his waist, holding him close and letting him go in deeper inside of her. As his thrusts became harder and faster, her moans became louder, and her nails scratched his back while her hold tightened. "Tahir, faster aşkım, harder" she pleaded as he smiled, taking her word as his command. Pulling almost all the way out and then slamming back inside her, her back lifted off the bed and she screamed. "YES, Tahir, yes aşkım" he continued doing that, finding her reaction so arousing. As he thrusts into her became even harder and faster, he put her legs on his shoulders and watched her face in awe as she moaned even louder. "GOD YES TAHIR" reaching one of his hands between their bodies, his fingers found her clit and as he circled her could feel her walls become tighter and tighter. Resting his forehead against hers, he looked deep into her eyes as he thrust inside her and touched her clit at the same time. He could tell she was close, and he wanted to see the look in her eyes as she came. "Come for me Farah, make me whole" that seemed to push her over the edge as her back came off the bed and her walls fluttered against him. "Tahir, aşkım, I love you" were the last words she said as her moan took over and her body shook beneath him. Her words and feeling her come made his own body react as he thrust inside her. "Farah, aşkım I love you so much" he thrust inside her one last time and came with a loud moan of her name as he emptied himself inside her. Her arms held him close to her, not wanting to let go just yet. As both their bodies came down from a high and their breathing calmed, he placed a soft kiss on her lips and removed himself from her. Laying down next to her, he pulled her into him, letting her rest her head on his chest. Covering them both with a blanket, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. She smiled against his chest and cuddled against him, feeling so safe and at home in his arms. She felt him kiss her head softly and closed her eyes. "So, are you going to tell me about this dream you had about me?" her head shoot up from his chest as her eyes widened. "You said something about me feeling better than the dream you had, so I'm curious as to what the dream was" he smirked as she blushed and tried to hide her face in his chest. "Tahir..." she hid her face in his chest but felt his fingers tilt her chin up. "Is this dream the reason you were touching yourself and moaning my name?" as he whispered that she felt her cheeks become even more red and she stared at him in shock. "You saw me?" he smiled as she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I did, I wanted to turn the cameras off but when you moaned my name, I couldn't stop watching... I hope that's okay Farah" she smiled at his concern and reached out to touch his face. "I'm glad you saw, I wanted you to see it" he raised an eyebrow at the smirk playing on her lips, a smile spreading across his face. "Is that the reason you came back home?" hearing her say home about his house made his heart flutter. "Yes, but I knew I didn't want to do anything before we talked so I planned to leave but you caught me before I could" she smiled and ran her fingers through his beard. "Well, I'm glad you came and that I caught you. And I'm so glad to have you in my life, to have you with me" his eyes teared up as he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "I love you so much Farah, I could never leave you even if I tried, we are bound together by our souls aşkım" she kissed him softly and whispered against his lip. "I love you so much Tahir, I never want your light to leave my life" they smiled against each other lips before Farah rested her head on his chest once again. As she felt his heartbeat underneath her, she realized she was home. Home. That was her last thought as she drifted off to sleep in Tahir's arms, no longer afraid of what was to come knowing she had him by her side.

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