A spring surprise (part 2)

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Here is part two finally! I know I promised this part would have spice in it but as I kept writing it just seemed more fitting for it to be sweet and wholesome! I'll cook up something spicy for the next story ;) I know this took long but with classes starting and getting sick it got hard to write so I hope you all forgive me for the waiting! Also I want to give a special thanks to my baby Rosa who motivated me and gave me so many kind words which made me feel so confident while I was feeling insecure about this fic. She is one of the best people I met in this fandom and I am so grateful for her sweet soul. This part is for her, iyi ki varsin canim benim and I love you so much <3 Hope you all enjoy <3

The minutes ticked by on the clock, the little arrow moving more slow than usual. Farah sat watching the clock and the time move painfully slow. She had scheduled an appointment with an OB/GYN at the hospital for after her shift ended. Though it seemed her shift today would never end, as she looked at the clock once more. She sighed and thought about the past few days. After the talk with Bade, she had taken three at home pregnancy tests which all came back positive. Even after seeing those two pink lines, she was still in disbelief that she was pregnant. She had wanted to tell Tahir so badly, but a dire feeling inside of her stopped her. She knew he would be beyond happy, but after all she went through with Kerimsah and his illness, she had wanted to make sure everything was alright before telling him. That's exactly why she had decided to have an appointment today, to make sure the baby was alive and well, and that everything was as it should be. Bade had been her support ever since that night in the bathroom and had insisted on coming to the appointment as well. Knowing how painful the topic of motherhood was for Bade and how it seemed her pregnancy was the one way she could experience it herself she agreed. Besides it was nice to have someone to ease her worries and be by her side. She had never had many close female friends so the close-knit relationship she had formed with Bade over time was a new feeling for her. Having a sister, she could lean on and tell everything to, was an unusual but pleasant feeling. Thinking back to when they first met, she would have never pictured that they would be this close, that Bade would become like a sister to her. She smiled to herself, feeling grateful that fate had brought her a sister she never knew she needed. A knock on the door startled her out of her thoughts. "Enter" Bade stuck her head out through the small opening of the door and smiled. "Hello anne, are we ready to go see my niece?" Farah laughed at Bade's joy and the use of the word anne. "Yes, we are. Let me just turn this off and gather my things and we can go, auntie" Bade laughed and stood at the door waiting as Farah turned off her computer and gathered her things. "Bade, what makes you think it's a girl?" she hadn't even thought about the baby's gender yet but Bade had already insinuated it was a girl a few times. "I just have a feeling it is. Also, as adorable another little Kerimsah would be, I think we need a girl on our side or either we'll be outnumbered" Farah laughed at that as she took off her coat and hung it up. "Do you want to find out the gender or do you want to wait until the baby is born?" Farah thought about it for a bit before answering. "I want to find out and I think Tahir will want to find out too. It's good that you brought it up, I've been meaning to ask you something" Bade hummed as Farah picked up her bag and checked that everything was in its place once again. Turning to Bade she pointed her hand out the door and they walked out of her office into the hallway. As she locked up her office she turned around and put her hand onto Bade's arm. "Bade, you know how we planned the surprise for Tahir? I was thinking we could reveal the baby's gender the same day, make it a special day. Would you find out the gender today and organize a cake or something so that we can find out the baby's gender with all our family and friends?" Bade's eyes widened with joy, and she reached out to hold her arm. "Of course, I will, what kind of question even is that! Does that mean I get to be the first to know the baby's gender?" Farah smiled and pulled her into a hug. "You are the baby's godmother after all, of course you get to be one of the first to know!" Bade hugged her tight and she could hear her sniffle as she pulled back from the hug slightly. "Godmother? You want me to be your baby's godmother?" Farah smiled and caressed her arm. "Well, who else would it be except her auntie! Now let's go, we'll be late to the appointment" Bade hugged her tight once more before they started walking over to the OB/GYN ward. Farah felt a bit guilty that the first time she saw their baby would be without Tahir, but she couldn't risk it. A thousand horrible possibilities were roaming through her head, and she needed to make sure none of those possibilities was true. The main reason she hadn't told him yet was because she didn't want his happiness to be ripped away from him if something was wrong with the baby. She prayed that their baby was healthy and well. They had made their way to the ward and knocked on the door of the doctor Farah had set up the appointment with. The doctor let them in and greeted them letting Farah get comfortable on the examination table. Farah laid down on the table and lifted her shirt up. Bade stood next to her bursting with excitement. "Are you ready Farah?" the doctor asked, and Farah nodded. "You are a doctor so you already know what this will feel like, but I'll still warn you that it's a bit cold!" the doctor squeezed the cold gel onto her lower stomach before taking the wand and slowly putting some pressure as she started moving it around. The monitor lit up with a grainy black and white picture. The doctor moved the wand around her stomach trying to find the baby. As the doctor moved the wand a bit upward Farah's stomach, a tiny blob appeared on the monitor. "There is your baby! Now let's just try and make the picture a bit clearer" she moved the wand a bit more until the baby's shape became more defined and Farah's eyes filled with tears. She looked up at Bade who was looking at the screen in amazement. "The baby is doing well! You are 14 weeks along and the baby's measurements are just as they should be. Congratulations Farah, your baby is healthy and growing just the way it should!" Farah smiled and looked at the screen. The picture was black and white and grainy, but she could clearly make out the shape of her baby. Her eyes teared up as she stared at her baby's tiny head and tummy and her little arm tucked into her side. "You can't see any abnormalities, right? Everything is okay?" Bade squeezed her hand trying to ease her worries. "Everything is right the way it should be, the baby is growing nicely and there are no detectable abnormalities! Don't worry your baby is doing amazing!" Farah breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Bade who held her hand with her own and smiled at her. "Would you like to find out the gender?" she smiled at that and squeezed Bade's hand. "If you could put it in an envelope and give it to my sister that would be great. Also, could I get a picture of the ultrasound?" the doctor nodded and smiled. "Could you make it two pictures? Her auntie also wants a picture for herself" Farah laughed at Bade's joy and slowly started cleaning herself up. All those horrible thoughts that had been causing her anxiety went away now that she knew her baby was alive and well. The doctor explained to her what supplements she needed to start taking and scheduled her next appointment. Before leaving she handed her an ultrasound picture and another one to Bade alongside with the envelope. They thanked the doctor and exited the office, making their way to the exit. "Bade, is everything ready for tomorrow? Is this going to be enough time for you to also organize everything for the gender reveal?" Bade linked her arm through hers as they walked the hospitals hallways. "Everything is ready, and I will have enough time. Don't worry, it will turn out amazing!" Farah smiled at her. Tomorrow evening couldn't come soon enough as the excitement started building up inside her.

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