Chapter 2 - The Strongest's Proposal

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A/n: So everybody likes a good come back story right? Good cause with Gojo there are only W's! I don't own MHA or JJK anyways let's gets to it!

The sound of shackles clanging together were heard as a dark room was all that was seen until a door made of steel opened up automatically allowing light to flow into said.

Soon somebody was pushed inside before the door rapidly closed, and when it did all that could be heard was ragged breathing.

After a couple of seconds multiple large red circular panels lit up across the room revealing a younger, disheveled, and worn out Y/n.

He stood with no shoes an orange jumpsuit that had the number 236 stitched onto it's left chest side. Large cylinder cuffs covered his forearms with a red glow outlining some parts of it as his ankles had cuffs around them that connected onto one another.

This eyes were covered with a visor that had a red outline throughout it that wrapped around his head canceling any thought of using his quirk along with the assistance of his cuffs and chains.

An annoyed smile grew on Y/n's as he turned his over towards where he was shoved.

Y/n: Even with these on I can still see! There's no point in cuffing me, I'll just break out of here eventually!

He got no response making him turn around angrily as he soon let his anger out in a shout.

Y/n: You all really threw me in here for who I am?!! Open the door and I'll really let you all know how about that?!

The panels turned blue before an electric current flooded the room shocking Y/n making him fall down and feel the lighting rip through his skin and seize up his body completely.

As it continued a hand was seen turning a dial causing even more electricity to flood into the room shocking Y/n worse than before as we see inside a room where multiple security guards were seen watching Y/n rile in pain.

Security Guard: Serves you right bastard.

It was then turned up more as Y/n was seen letting out a scream before current Y/n was shown with a blank look while sitting down at a long table.

Nezu: And with that do you agree to the terms?

Y/n's blank look soon became a jovial one again as smiled at the principal while pointing.

Y/n: The terms really don't matter to me, I just need that license and a Highschool diploma please. You all don't think that's impossible do you.

He then gestured to the room as the entire conference room was filled with over 20 heroes.

All Might and Endeavor stood beside Y/n watching every move he made as Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, and Ryukyu sat on the other end of the table in front of Nezu who also had Aizawa beside him.

Y/n: Honestly I'm flattered you all showed up, all though I thought you would've called in Stars and Stripe as well but guess she's busy. Say Endeavor still Number 2 how's it feel to be a seat warmer?

Endeavor: Tch, you act like I won't hesitate to burn you the moment you even make so much as wrong breath around us.

All Might: Endeavor!

Y/n: I'll allow you to believe that. Especially since you all haven't realized the moment you stepped foot in this room you became my hostages.

Everyone became weary and on edge at Y/n's statement as he then jokingly jabbed at his forehead while smirking.

Y/n: I'm a bit different from before, my eyes can regulate my quirk over 100 times better then when I was here. That along with Infinite Void I can wide spread it throughout the building.

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