Chapter 3 - Go To Jo

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A/n: So everybody likes a good come back story right? Good cause with Gojo there are only W's! I don't own MHA or JJK anyways let's gets to it!

Y/n: Alright before we get started does anyone have questions before they become annoying?

A handful of arms went up slightly surprising Y/n who rubbed his chin before pointing at a red spikey haired boy.

Kirishima: How manly are you?

Y/n: I survived in prison so pretty manly in my opinion. Next, the pink one.

Mina: Are you or were you a model?

Y/n: Never was but I was good at remodeling faces with my fists. Yellow guy.

Denki: What's your quirk?

Y/n: In a little bit plus its complicated. You the uh grape.

Mineta: Do you have any advice for getting girls?

Y/n stared at him blankly ignoring his question as he pointed at Iida who had his hand up. 

Iida: Sensei we don't even know your name, why you're here, or what's even happening respectfully speaking of course sir! *He proclaimed while chopping his arm*

Y/n: That's a good point engine boy! I am, hmmm ah! I am the one who stands above heroes and villains, the man who can't be chained to anything! I am Y/n Gojo, The Honored One who will teach you all the ways to become the strongest heroes!! *He shouted while pointing at the ceiling*

His finger then was then aimed at the wall blowing a hole through it with an invisible blast. Y/n then looked at the gobsmacked class with his blue eyes glistening behind his glasses.

The grin he had grew as Izuku struggled to even take a step forward or back with nothing but ragged breathes escaping from his mouth.

Izuku: (Wh-Why can't I sa-say anyt-anything or move!?)

Y/n: First thing we'll do is an assessment test, my old Sensei did that for me and speak of the devil.

Him and Izuku turned as Aizawa was seen with his eyes gleaming red along with his hair floating upwards.

Aizawa: Don't you dare try anything with them.

Y/n: Already did, and make sure you all are at the field in a couple of minutes. Or else.

A wave of dread overcame them as Y/n walked backwards towards the hole he created before falling out while waving and smiling brightly.

Aizawa quickly moved over to where he was with All Might appearing in the room next to him in a burst of speed.

All Might: He didn't do anything too rash?

Aizawa: No, not yet. But he was talking about a Quirk assessment.

All Might: A test?

Aizawa: I don't know, he's still unpredictable.

Whispering came from the class that they soon stopped when All Might turned to them with nervousness overcoming the number one hero.

All Might: (What are you even plotting to do Y/n? How far are you willing to go?)

Ryukyu is seen in her dragon form circling the UA building from above in the air only to see the back of said school be riddled with rubble due to Y/n's explosion.

Ryukyu: (Why couldn't we just talk Y/n? None of this should've happened.)

Y/n: Reminiscing much?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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