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"Welcome to the Devildom!"


The hallways of the Royal Acadamy of Diavolo grew eerily still and quiet, classes over hours earlier. However, the silence was broken by the heavy footsteps of an irritated second-born, white-haired demon as he made his way to the student council room. Earlier, he had thought he had gotten away with skipping the meeting, seeing that his time would be better used trying to con some lower-level demons out of their Grimm. Yet, when he was so close to achieving his 'well-deserved' riches, the new human exchange student had the nerve to call him up. Of course, he was going to the student council room to give them a piece of his mind. Not because his older brother threatened him. Definitely not.

"Stupid Lucifer. Stupid human. Ruining my chances at more Grimm. They owe me for that for sure," Mammon muttered to himself with a huff. The demon was too distracted by his own thoughts to notice the gentle wrapping of a snake's body around his leg, catching a ride to the council room. Though it was a meter-long, twenty-pound snake, the demon was not the most observant, even after the reptile hissed and flicked out its tongue. "And he's got Goldie too. How much more could he torture me?"

"Sssss..." the snake replied, slowly climbing up higher on the Mammon's body, finding a comfortable spot around his waist. Yet still, the other did not notice. The multi-coloured reptile was beginning to think the demon was a tad daft and deaf.

It only took a few more seconds for the duo to make it to the council chamber, Mammon slamming the doors open with enough force to knock regular doors off their hinges. The room was extravagantly large, even for the mighty demons that met within it. Torches and candles lined the stone wall, separating the flags and tapestries. The chandelier, though old and rusty looking, was at least 20 meters high, fitting well among the tall ceiling. Not to mention the court-looking seats that sat near the windows, nearly spanning the room itself. Outside, the large moon shone its rays onto the room, illuminating the demons in it with an almost heavenly shine. No photos could do the room, or the beautiful demons within it, justice.

"HEY! Just who do you think you are, human? You've got a lotta nerve summoning the Great Mammon!" The white-haired demon shouted, gaining the attention of the single human sitting in the center of the room. With gritted teeth, the Avatar of Greed approached them, only stopping when he got uncomfortably close. "Listen up, because I'm only gonna say this once. If you value your life, then hand over all of your money now! And anything else, too!" he continued, a shit-eating grin strung across his lips. The human, MC, merely rolled their eyes at his words while crossing their arms over their chest. Before Mammon could continue, they spoke up.

"It seems the Great Mammon doesn't realize that his older brother is about to knock him over the head," they stated with a completely unimpressed tone. Their words made the other freeze, his smirk falling. With just a glance over his shoulder, what they said was proven true, with Lucifer standing a little over a meter behind him with an anticipating smile quirking his lips up. "Or that he's wearing a snake around his waist like it's a belt." That confused nearly everyone in the room, their eyes looking to Mammon's mid-section. And just as they said, there was a snake comfortably wrapped around the demon's waist. With a squeak, the greedy demon stiffened.

"Ew! It's so gross-looking!" Asmodeus squealed, shaking his hands as if he was the one to touch the reptile.

"And here I thought it was the worst-looking belt I have ever seen," Satan commented with a chuckle.

"Mmm... Roasted snake..." Beelzebub muttered, a bit of drool dripping from his mouth and forming a pool the longer he stared at the scaley animal.

"Hiss!" Irritated by the demons's words, the snake climbed higher up Mammon's body, finding its way to around his neck. The movement snapped the tan-skinned demon out of his frozen position, suddenly pulling the creature off his body and throwing it towards MC with a screech. With a loud plap, the snake landed in the human's lap.

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